Oh Dolly P, I wish I could work 9 - 5, that would be a way to make a living.
However, the 'fun' never stops. I'm trying to enjoy a nice lie in today but it's ruined by the horrible feeling that I'm running out of time to do admin for job 1. I've got to go to job 2 tonight and then job 1 resumes tomorrow and I have so much to do before then!
I think once I'm out of debt I'm not only giving up job 2 but looking for a replacement career for job 1, as I'm sick of always having work hanging over me to do in my own time. This week, for example, I am going to have to work all the evening hours possible that I'm not doing job 2 in order to be prepped and ready for things happening in job 1.
Every weekend I am torn between doing work, selling stuff on eBay to make money, tidying my abode (as I'm not naturally tidy enough to do it as I go along), and actually having a weekend and having some fun, or some chill out time.
I wonder if other people have these constant things nagging away at them... must work, must tidy, must sell some clutter?
I'm a natural born procrastinator, and having too much to do makes me want to do, well, nothing.
About Me

- The Debt Girl
- I'm single, broke, and in my early 30s... but thankfully decided a while ago to sort my life out once and for all; in particular to sort out my finances, and to move forward into a debt free life. I'm hoping writing a blog will help spur me on through my social life cutbacks, my successful and not-so-successful attempts at dating, my new addiction to the Sainsbury's Basics range, and the general insanity caused by the stress of money troubles.
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Saturday, 23 February 2013
Kitty free to a good home...
My kitty had to go to the vet's today for her yearly vaccinations. Whilst there I also paid for them to administer a 3 month worming treatment, and bought 3 months' worth of flea treatments... all that plus VAT equalled nearly £70, boo :(
I wonder how much I spend on being a cat owner sometimes... I must spend about £5 a week on food, my pet insurance is about £13 a month, and then there's the yearly jabs.
Still, I think it's worth it for the company; when you live alone it's nice to have someone to greet you when you get home!
Here she is looking rather freaked out that she's in her basket about to see the vet:
I wonder how much I spend on being a cat owner sometimes... I must spend about £5 a week on food, my pet insurance is about £13 a month, and then there's the yearly jabs.
Still, I think it's worth it for the company; when you live alone it's nice to have someone to greet you when you get home!
Here she is looking rather freaked out that she's in her basket about to see the vet:
Friday, 22 February 2013
New debt snowball - hoorah!
If you'd like to have a look at this it's under my debt overview tab (see above).
Nice short snowball left now :)
I'm paying off £523.12 a month, a random amount, granted, but that's because the loan I've just paid off had payments of £151.12 per month, and now I've paid that off I'm paying that extra £151.12 per month towards my other debts.
The debt snowball doesn't include my £100 overdraft, because it's indefinitely at 0% APR and with no usage fees so I'm not too bothered about it, and I'm not making any regular payments to it, so am not sure how it would fit into a snowball.
Nice short snowball left now :)
I'm paying off £523.12 a month, a random amount, granted, but that's because the loan I've just paid off had payments of £151.12 per month, and now I've paid that off I'm paying that extra £151.12 per month towards my other debts.
The debt snowball doesn't include my £100 overdraft, because it's indefinitely at 0% APR and with no usage fees so I'm not too bothered about it, and I'm not making any regular payments to it, so am not sure how it would fit into a snowball.
Thursday, 21 February 2013
I blame the cat
74p cash left, and the new weekly cash budget starts tomorrow.
Sounds impressive to have money left over yes? However, I spent £12.89 with a card on food (£3.70) and cat food (£7.19) and cleansing wipes (£2.00) earlier so not so much. And did I really need doughnuts?! Haha
Getting back on track with this weekly budget malarky is proving harder than I thought.
Partly because when I'm in a store and see something I need (like cat food), I think to myself 'why not buy it now rather than have to do a separate trip tomorrow when my budget starts again?' I only went in for an avocado for part of my lunch, but once there my eyes wandered...
Man 1 got in contact by the way - I asked him about Tuesday and he said he was wiped from work and didn't think it was definite anyway as we hadn't arranged the details (just which night we were meeting up). Hmmmm...
Man 2 texted me at 8pm last night saying he was just leaving the gym. I told him we should do something another night (way too late to come back to me and expect me to go out suddenly - I hadn't gotten ready as didn't know if we were going out or not).
Still convinced they're all a bit rubbish. Ah well.
Sounds impressive to have money left over yes? However, I spent £12.89 with a card on food (£3.70) and cat food (£7.19) and cleansing wipes (£2.00) earlier so not so much. And did I really need doughnuts?! Haha
Getting back on track with this weekly budget malarky is proving harder than I thought.
Partly because when I'm in a store and see something I need (like cat food), I think to myself 'why not buy it now rather than have to do a separate trip tomorrow when my budget starts again?' I only went in for an avocado for part of my lunch, but once there my eyes wandered...
Man 1 got in contact by the way - I asked him about Tuesday and he said he was wiped from work and didn't think it was definite anyway as we hadn't arranged the details (just which night we were meeting up). Hmmmm...
Man 2 texted me at 8pm last night saying he was just leaving the gym. I told him we should do something another night (way too late to come back to me and expect me to go out suddenly - I hadn't gotten ready as didn't know if we were going out or not).
Still convinced they're all a bit rubbish. Ah well.
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Why oh why...
...are single men down my way so goddamn flakey??
So date with man 1 was meant to happen last night. It didn't. He didn't contact me at all yesterday to finalise arrangements. I didn't contact him either. Resounding silence since.
Why didn't I contact him you may well ask... Well, I've done that before when men have been vague about finalising arrangements to go out and it only gives them all the power (which is a bit crap), and I genuinely think if they want to see you they will get their arses in gear. Also, it can come across as needy, pushy etc. if I keep trying to set up arrangments when they they've gone quiet on me.
Date with man 2 is meant to be happening tonight. I hadn't heard anything from him since Sunday. Also, he was the one who wanted to go out, but wanted me to decide what we did, where we go etc. I agreed I would think on it and let him know. So man 2 I did text today, to find out if we're still on for tonight and to discuss plans. So I text him to ask if he still wants to do something. He replies at 5.30pm asking me if I've decided what we're going to do. I text back a suggestion (a couple of drinks somewhere), cue silence for another hour. Eventually I get a text back apologising that he's been at the gym... So it's now 7.22pm and I've asked him if he still wants to do something tonight or if another night would be better, and silence again.
WTF?! What is with these people?
Oh, and I was meant to have a date on Valentine's, with a guy who had already flaked out on me twice before... I thought I'd give him one last chance, but got silence from him in the 3 days running up to Valentine's, despite me sending him a couple of messages (one a response to his previous text, and a separate one wishing him Happy Birthday as it was his birthday a couple of days before we were due to go out). So, with his track record I didn't bother to ask him on Valentine's if we were still doing something, and he never contacted me, and we've not been in contact since.
I. Just. Don't. Get. It.
I try to be proactive in trying to get dates arranged and it seems to put men off and the dates don't happen. I sit back and wait for them to sort it and the dates don't happen. These are men who asked me out, not the other way around! There seems to be no way to win, other than to give up on all these losers! However, it's not until this point that I can establish their loser-ness.
Fun and games.
There is one silver lining though. No money spent! I've £4.20 left until Friday :)
So date with man 1 was meant to happen last night. It didn't. He didn't contact me at all yesterday to finalise arrangements. I didn't contact him either. Resounding silence since.
Why didn't I contact him you may well ask... Well, I've done that before when men have been vague about finalising arrangements to go out and it only gives them all the power (which is a bit crap), and I genuinely think if they want to see you they will get their arses in gear. Also, it can come across as needy, pushy etc. if I keep trying to set up arrangments when they they've gone quiet on me.
Date with man 2 is meant to be happening tonight. I hadn't heard anything from him since Sunday. Also, he was the one who wanted to go out, but wanted me to decide what we did, where we go etc. I agreed I would think on it and let him know. So man 2 I did text today, to find out if we're still on for tonight and to discuss plans. So I text him to ask if he still wants to do something. He replies at 5.30pm asking me if I've decided what we're going to do. I text back a suggestion (a couple of drinks somewhere), cue silence for another hour. Eventually I get a text back apologising that he's been at the gym... So it's now 7.22pm and I've asked him if he still wants to do something tonight or if another night would be better, and silence again.
WTF?! What is with these people?
Oh, and I was meant to have a date on Valentine's, with a guy who had already flaked out on me twice before... I thought I'd give him one last chance, but got silence from him in the 3 days running up to Valentine's, despite me sending him a couple of messages (one a response to his previous text, and a separate one wishing him Happy Birthday as it was his birthday a couple of days before we were due to go out). So, with his track record I didn't bother to ask him on Valentine's if we were still doing something, and he never contacted me, and we've not been in contact since.
I. Just. Don't. Get. It.
I try to be proactive in trying to get dates arranged and it seems to put men off and the dates don't happen. I sit back and wait for them to sort it and the dates don't happen. These are men who asked me out, not the other way around! There seems to be no way to win, other than to give up on all these losers! However, it's not until this point that I can establish their loser-ness.
Fun and games.
There is one silver lining though. No money spent! I've £4.20 left until Friday :)
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Grrrr dating is expensive!
So I've just counted my remaining cash until Friday - £5.70. But I'm meant to be on a date tonight and another tomorrow, yikes!
Clearly I'm going to have to dip into some other funds to tide me over. Dating is never cheap is it?! I know it might be different in some other countries where the guy is meant to pay, but in England and modern times that's just not how we roll. Besides, who wants to feel indebted to their date and obliged to then kiss them, see them again etc? Going halves keeps it much more simple.
Still, I wish it was cheaper. I'm thinking if I only have one alcoholic drink I could get away with £20 in total for both dates, fingers crossed! Otherwise, how is the skint singleton ever to meet someone?
Not really sure why I'm going really as they are both several years younger than me and unlikely to become long term, but I still think as a single girl it's good to go out and meet people. Also, as people say, you have to give people a chance, and age is well, (to coin a cliché) just a number, I suppose.
Clearly I'm going to have to dip into some other funds to tide me over. Dating is never cheap is it?! I know it might be different in some other countries where the guy is meant to pay, but in England and modern times that's just not how we roll. Besides, who wants to feel indebted to their date and obliged to then kiss them, see them again etc? Going halves keeps it much more simple.
Still, I wish it was cheaper. I'm thinking if I only have one alcoholic drink I could get away with £20 in total for both dates, fingers crossed! Otherwise, how is the skint singleton ever to meet someone?
Not really sure why I'm going really as they are both several years younger than me and unlikely to become long term, but I still think as a single girl it's good to go out and meet people. Also, as people say, you have to give people a chance, and age is well, (to coin a cliché) just a number, I suppose.
Sunday, 17 February 2013
Back on the wagon?
Just noticed I haven't posted at all in 2013 yet - bad Debt Girl!
Well, work 1 is keeping me extremely busy (aka taking over my life), so everything else seems to be taking a bit of a backseat at the moment :(
Anyway, some updates since my last post:
A close family member decided to give me £3k for my birthday! They know I am battling with getting my debt down and said they are really proud of me for getting so far (from £19.5k to around £6k) and wanted to give me a helping hand. The note that came with it was so sweet, I burst into tears! Still stunned at such a generous present... Tried to turn it down as too much, but they wouldn't let me.
Used the money to pay off the remainder of my loan, and half my main credit card, which is fantastic news.
However, over January/February I had already managed to add to my debt by £285 and gone into using my £100 overdraft again (it is interest free though). So technically I've managed to rack up almost another £400, eeek! I think this is because although I carefully budgeted for Christmas, I used up all my savings going out over the holidays, which didn't leave me much to live off come January, hence the dipping into credit... ~slaps wrist~
I have recently transfered the £285 to a 0% card so shouldn't have to pay any interest on it at least.
Well now with the cash injection from my birthday making debt-free-ness much nearer and given my second job are cutting my hours, I've decided it's time to get back on the wagon by getting back on with my £30 a week budget. I've not kept to it for several months now, which was just about ok when I had more money coming in, but now my hours have been cut I need to tighten my spending up again. Also, now the debt free date is nearer I feel I have a little more motivation to keep on track.
I should be debt free around August now, if all goes according to plan. Which of course, it may not, as life doesn't always go according to plan now does it?!
Right, now to update my figures below (woo) and to change my age in the about me section (boo)...
Well, work 1 is keeping me extremely busy (aka taking over my life), so everything else seems to be taking a bit of a backseat at the moment :(
Anyway, some updates since my last post:
- Had a fantastic Christmas and New Year, despite being ill I still managed to go out and have a lot of fun socialising - though spent rather a lot on nights out, oooops
- Only New Year's resolution was to have more fun this year, although obviously this is still limited by my lack of cash...
- My job 2 is now officially 'at risk' (as you may remember I mentioned in an earlier post could happen) and my hours have been cut due to absorbing staff from other stores, so my pay has taken quite a beating :(
- Had a birthday last week and am now 31... the less said about that the better
- Back on internet dating - serious lack of hotties though. Been asked out a few times in 'reality' over the last few weeks but not by anyone I'm interested in - same old story.
- Considering a move to one of England's finest cities over the next few months - got to find a job first obviously, but feel I need some excitement in my life caused by a big change, and have friends and sort of honorary family living in the city I'm considering.
A close family member decided to give me £3k for my birthday! They know I am battling with getting my debt down and said they are really proud of me for getting so far (from £19.5k to around £6k) and wanted to give me a helping hand. The note that came with it was so sweet, I burst into tears! Still stunned at such a generous present... Tried to turn it down as too much, but they wouldn't let me.
Used the money to pay off the remainder of my loan, and half my main credit card, which is fantastic news.
However, over January/February I had already managed to add to my debt by £285 and gone into using my £100 overdraft again (it is interest free though). So technically I've managed to rack up almost another £400, eeek! I think this is because although I carefully budgeted for Christmas, I used up all my savings going out over the holidays, which didn't leave me much to live off come January, hence the dipping into credit... ~slaps wrist~
I have recently transfered the £285 to a 0% card so shouldn't have to pay any interest on it at least.
Well now with the cash injection from my birthday making debt-free-ness much nearer and given my second job are cutting my hours, I've decided it's time to get back on the wagon by getting back on with my £30 a week budget. I've not kept to it for several months now, which was just about ok when I had more money coming in, but now my hours have been cut I need to tighten my spending up again. Also, now the debt free date is nearer I feel I have a little more motivation to keep on track.
I should be debt free around August now, if all goes according to plan. Which of course, it may not, as life doesn't always go according to plan now does it?!
Right, now to update my figures below (woo) and to change my age in the about me section (boo)...
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