About Me

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I'm single, broke, and in my early 30s... but thankfully decided a while ago to sort my life out once and for all; in particular to sort out my finances, and to move forward into a debt free life. I'm hoping writing a blog will help spur me on through my social life cutbacks, my successful and not-so-successful attempts at dating, my new addiction to the Sainsbury's Basics range, and the general insanity caused by the stress of money troubles.

Debt overview

This is my new debt snowball (since the very generous February birthday present):

As you can see it finishes in September, but as I'll only have £96.48 left to pay in September I'm hoping to get that paid off before so that I can end things by my August payment.

As you can see, the whole point of a snowball is that once one debt is paid off, you use the extra money to pay down the next thing and so on, until all your debt is gone.

Credit card 1 (0.00%) Credit card 2 (0.00%) Parent loan (0.00%)
Date Total Debt Balance  Payment  Balance  Payment  Balance  Payment  Total Debt (EOM) Interest
Mar-13 £3,235.20 £1,432.53 £373.12 £902.67 £50.00 £900.00 £100.00 £2,712.08 £0.00
Apr-13 £2,712.08 £1,059.41 £373.12 £852.67 £50.00 £800.00 £100.00 £2,188.96 £0.00
May-13 £2,188.96 £686.29 £373.12 £802.67 £50.00 £700.00 £100.00 £1,665.84 £0.00
Jun-13 £1,665.84 £313.17 £313.17 £752.67 £109.95 £600.00 £100.00 £1,142.72 £0.00
Jul-13 £1,142.72     £642.72 £423.12 £500.00 £100.00 £619.60 £0.00
Aug-13 £619.60     £219.60 £219.60 £400.00 £303.52 £96.48 £0.00
Sep-13 £96.48         £96.48 £96.48 £0.00 £0.00

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