About Me

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I'm single, broke, and in my early 30s... but thankfully decided a while ago to sort my life out once and for all; in particular to sort out my finances, and to move forward into a debt free life. I'm hoping writing a blog will help spur me on through my social life cutbacks, my successful and not-so-successful attempts at dating, my new addiction to the Sainsbury's Basics range, and the general insanity caused by the stress of money troubles.

Sunday 20 October 2013

Always Debt Girl

I've been off from blogging for a while, and now coming back, I wish I had better news. However, Debt Girl is as Debt Girl does - I'm still in debt and will be well into the new year, failing to smash any of my debt free targets.

The £450 odd of splurging I mentioned at the beginning of August has now by mid October extended to approx £1,500!!! This has gone predominantly on food I think - food shopping, lunches (Subway etc.), dinners out etc. If you knew me you'd know I'm not a fatty (UK size 8) but I do like nice food. I splurged another £60 this week on gifts for a friend and her newborn baby... but hey, c'mon, it's not every day one of your closest friends becomes a mummy!

I have now taken definitive action and moved that £1,500 to a 0% card (26 months, oooh!) and put myself back on a strict budget.  This afternoon I will be making butternut squash soup which should last me say, 3 days of dinners, which is a start.

I am lucky enough to be getting a bonus this month (makes up marginally for 5 years of no pay rise), so am using this to finish off my old debts (x2 credit cards), leaving me only the £1,500 to pay off.  Or so it might appear...

Unfortunately I own a property I don't live in (due to the relocating and the recession I became an 'accidental landlord'), and my tenant of 4 years recently gave me notice she was moving out.  I had some savings to cover the mortgage for a couple of months, but then the boiler broke, and I only had 1 month's mortgage payment remaining.  I put the property on the market but have had no takers, so have finally bitten the bullet and put it out to a letting agent (I really had wanted to cut loose from being a landlord and be off the housing ladder for a bit).  They have just found me a tenant who is *fingers crossed* moving in in just over a week from now, in theory meaning her first rental payment will cover my November mortgage payment, the first one I have no money for.  Sounds great yeah? Well it would, only most of her first rental payment will be taken away by the set up fees to the letting agent, so I still have to borrow money to cover the mortgage.

Cue getting yet ANOTHER credit card!  This time, one for money transfers.  My mortgage company won't allow me a payment holiday or to pay on credit, so I need actual cash.  I did my research and found a credit card through Virgin Money that gives me balance and/or money transfers with interest at 0% for a whopping 26 months!  Obviously there's the usual transfer fees though.  I've transfered £1,200 to cover x2 month's of mortgage payments and utilities bills between tenancies and any other associated costs.  Hopefully I won't need it all and can pay half of it back pronto.

However, this does mean my overall debt is back up to approx. £2,800 for now :(

I'm off work next week so better get eBaying!

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