My main job involves a lot of talking, and I'm naturally quite a chatterbox as well. I had a cold at the weekend, and on Monday my voice started going, and yesterday I had to struggle through with nothing more than a raspy whisper. Today I have had to cancel my normal work and work from home to rest my vocal chords as I don't want to do any long term damage.
Have lost my voice a few times when I've been ill, and it's so frustrating as I just can't function!
Am hoping I'm better soon as I have various social engagements this week as it's the run up to Christmas...
At least working from home today gives me time to catch up on a load of admin I need to do - oh the joy! Well, when I'm not blogging of course ;p
About Me

- The Debt Girl
- I'm single, broke, and in my early 30s... but thankfully decided a while ago to sort my life out once and for all; in particular to sort out my finances, and to move forward into a debt free life. I'm hoping writing a blog will help spur me on through my social life cutbacks, my successful and not-so-successful attempts at dating, my new addiction to the Sainsbury's Basics range, and the general insanity caused by the stress of money troubles.
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Sunday, 16 December 2012
2013 - Wishing & Hoping
...that I don't get blown off course next year. By the end of 2013 in theory I should be only a month away from being debt free (due in January 2014) but there are various things that could mess this schedule right up. They are:
Fingers crossed for a good year 2013 then! 2011 and 2012 were bleak for many reasons; I'm hoping I'm owed a little luck! :)
- Mileage claims for job 1 changing - they want to change my expenses base (and that of others too) to a central base I never go to, meaning that instead of having a personal mileage to my existing office (due to shut) of 1 mile each way, and being able to claim for every journey on top of that, I may have a personal mileage of about 30 miles each way. If this happens it will totally screw me over as I regularly drive journeys around 25-28 miles, which will then come completely out of my pocket. Add to that 4 years of no cost of living pay increase and it works out as a massive pay cut. If this happens I would have to pay about £200 a month less on paying off my debts to cover the cost of petrol. We're fighting this but it could well be imposed anyway. :(
- Moving house - I mentioned earlier this year that my landlady (and friend) was thinking of selling, but this didn't happen in the end. However, she is very stressed at work and seeking a new job that would be a demotion, meaning that she will have less money to cover the extra expense of her flat I live in (because of maintenance charges she has to top this up by about £200 a month). What this means is that I would not only have the stress of moving (and trying to find somewhere that would take me with a cat), but also have to find deposit money for a new place (as she is my friend I never gave her a deposit), and also pay associated costs around hiring a van, etc.
- Redundancy in job 2 - both our nearest stores have recently shut and I fear we may not be too far behind. They have shut though because either their leases were due for renewal, or they were regularly making a loss. Our store doesn't make losses, and I don't think our lease is up for renewal soon so fingers crossed... If I lost this job I would have to cut back on debt payments in order to be able to eat, as my job 1 wage only covers bills and debt payments.
Fingers crossed for a good year 2013 then! 2011 and 2012 were bleak for many reasons; I'm hoping I'm owed a little luck! :)
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Lessons learnt
I mentioned in my last post that with the arrival of my new shiny, I now have a lot of credit available. I've just totted this up (including overdrafts) and I could, if I so desired, go on a spending spree up to £18,150!! Obviously, I won't. Ha
It is a relief though to have come so far from a few years ago when my credit file wasn't great (from a couple of late payments on credit cards), so that I couldn't get the example APRs or even be approved for some credit cards. I remember in early 2010, being turned down for consolidation loans. Best thing that ever happened though. I have learnt that credit cards are not the baddies, it is how you use them that counts. Over the last few years my credit score has been improving, and if I had taken out a loan I would have been locked into a set amount of (sizeable) interest to pay. By not having taken a loan, as my credit rating has improved, I've been able to use 0% deals to my advantage, and for the whole of the last year I've paid zero interest on my credit cards. Small balance transfer fees are nothing in comparison to the interest I would have paid.
The other good thing about having been turned down for a consolidation loan is that I have had to learn to manage my money better and get to grips with best ways out of debt etc. I have consolidated before, and not learnt any lessons. In fact, I was looking through some old bank statements yesterday and to my horror spotted that almost straight after taking a consolidation loan in 2008 (the one I'm still paying off) I was back spending on the credit cards.
Looking back through those old bank statements shows me how much I've progressed with my mentality towards money - looking at them now I can see just how ridiculously extravagant I was. £60+ here and there on supermarket shops (for 1 person!) really is far too much - I never spend more than about £10-15 a time on food shops now.
This is how I'm now using credit cards:
It is a relief though to have come so far from a few years ago when my credit file wasn't great (from a couple of late payments on credit cards), so that I couldn't get the example APRs or even be approved for some credit cards. I remember in early 2010, being turned down for consolidation loans. Best thing that ever happened though. I have learnt that credit cards are not the baddies, it is how you use them that counts. Over the last few years my credit score has been improving, and if I had taken out a loan I would have been locked into a set amount of (sizeable) interest to pay. By not having taken a loan, as my credit rating has improved, I've been able to use 0% deals to my advantage, and for the whole of the last year I've paid zero interest on my credit cards. Small balance transfer fees are nothing in comparison to the interest I would have paid.
The other good thing about having been turned down for a consolidation loan is that I have had to learn to manage my money better and get to grips with best ways out of debt etc. I have consolidated before, and not learnt any lessons. In fact, I was looking through some old bank statements yesterday and to my horror spotted that almost straight after taking a consolidation loan in 2008 (the one I'm still paying off) I was back spending on the credit cards.
Looking back through those old bank statements shows me how much I've progressed with my mentality towards money - looking at them now I can see just how ridiculously extravagant I was. £60+ here and there on supermarket shops (for 1 person!) really is far too much - I never spend more than about £10-15 a time on food shops now.
This is how I'm now using credit cards:
- My new shiny to pay off credit card 2 as the 0% was ending and I hadn't paid it off (slapped wrist)
- My now empty old credit card 2 (going to hang onto for now as a potential option in case I need a card for further balance transfers)
- Credit card 1 - at 0% until May 2013, which I used to consolidate all my credit card debt onto, and have been paying off monthly ever since
- Cashback credit card - I earn 3% on all purchases and use this only for petrol, to save me having to find money upfront for travel expenses for work. I pay it off in full every month when I get paid my expenses back.
Pay day already?!
Wow, I really must have reigned it in this month, without even trying! I just looked at my calendar and realised I get paid from my second job tomorrow (get paid fortnightly), and I still have over £100 in my second job earnings bank account! That's taken me a bit by surprise! I'm normally trying to hang in there, desperate for pay day to come around.
Good timing I guess as I have only bought a fraction of the Christmas presents I have to buy... Amazon's telling me I have 5 days left, better step on it then!
Good timing I guess as I have only bought a fraction of the Christmas presents I have to buy... Amazon's telling me I have 5 days left, better step on it then!
Saturday, 8 December 2012
New shiny card
Ooooh just after writing my last post my mail was dropped through my door - my new credit card which I did a balance transfer onto from my credit card 2 has just arrived :)
F*** me, they've given me a credit limit of £4900! Add that to the £8200 credit limit on my main card that I'm using to pay off debts and the £3000 credit limit on my credit card I've just transfered the balance from, and that's access to a hell of a lot of credit!
Thank goodness I'm not so easily tempted these days... ;)
F*** me, they've given me a credit limit of £4900! Add that to the £8200 credit limit on my main card that I'm using to pay off debts and the £3000 credit limit on my credit card I've just transfered the balance from, and that's access to a hell of a lot of credit!
Thank goodness I'm not so easily tempted these days... ;)
Off the rails
So, I've not only not been writing my blog, but I have also fallen off the wagon in terms of sticking to a weekly budget and saving money.
Instead I decided to get a few things for my wardrobe on Ebay, and have just been buying stuff without consulting my finances. Bad debt girl!
However, the good news is that I haven't been spending any money I don't have, and have still been paying down my debt. As of this month, it's now just below £7k, not too bad considering when I started paying off my debts I owed about £19.5k!
Just over 1 year to go, provided everything goes according to plan. But that wouldn't be normal life now would it?!
Looking back at my last post, I can update you now that I didn't get the other job I interviewed for, but did manage to keep my own job working for the same company. However, it's harder graft than it was following various changes, which is partly responsible I think for taking my eye off the ball financially; I just don't have as much time any more to be so financially geeky.
I'm no longer writing in Money Saving Expert forums, no longer getting points (and therefore money) with Swagbucks, no longer looking into a variety of ways to make extra money...
However, this weekend is a free listing weekend on Ebay, and I'm hoping to get some stuff on there today to try and claw back some savings (as I have spent most of the money I saved over the last few months).
I didn't manage to pay off my small credit card by November when the 0% ended so I have moved the balance across to a new 0% card. It's 0% for 13 months which takes me exactly to when all my other debts finish. I am going to try and pay £50 a month on this to get rid of it. I can't really afford £50 a month, which is why I must try and get my Ebay on at all points possible!
Instead I decided to get a few things for my wardrobe on Ebay, and have just been buying stuff without consulting my finances. Bad debt girl!
However, the good news is that I haven't been spending any money I don't have, and have still been paying down my debt. As of this month, it's now just below £7k, not too bad considering when I started paying off my debts I owed about £19.5k!
Just over 1 year to go, provided everything goes according to plan. But that wouldn't be normal life now would it?!
Looking back at my last post, I can update you now that I didn't get the other job I interviewed for, but did manage to keep my own job working for the same company. However, it's harder graft than it was following various changes, which is partly responsible I think for taking my eye off the ball financially; I just don't have as much time any more to be so financially geeky.
I'm no longer writing in Money Saving Expert forums, no longer getting points (and therefore money) with Swagbucks, no longer looking into a variety of ways to make extra money...
However, this weekend is a free listing weekend on Ebay, and I'm hoping to get some stuff on there today to try and claw back some savings (as I have spent most of the money I saved over the last few months).
I didn't manage to pay off my small credit card by November when the 0% ended so I have moved the balance across to a new 0% card. It's 0% for 13 months which takes me exactly to when all my other debts finish. I am going to try and pay £50 a month on this to get rid of it. I can't really afford £50 a month, which is why I must try and get my Ebay on at all points possible!
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Back once again...
...for the renegade master...
Been rather off radar recently, not quite sure why, just not been in a writing kinda mood.
Lots of things going on - redundancy consultation at work begins Monday (we knew it was coming though), I have a job interview on Tuesday, and today I am applying for 5 other vacancies and finishing preparing a presentation for my job interview.
Things still not amazing with the bestie after she got together with my ex; we're amicable but I just don't feel the same about our friendship as I did. Made a random new friend via an internet date that didn't go anywhere romantically. Nothing to report really on the dating front, except I'm in contact with a nice guy who I should be meeting up with when he gets back from holiday soon.
Absolutely bricking it about my interview on Tuesday - interviews don't normally worry me but the job is doing lots of things I've not done before, so I need to make sure I come across as well as possible to stand a chance. It's paying £13k more than I'm on at the moment so it would sort my finances right out if I got it. It's also doing something I really want to do, and with no job security where I am it would be great timing. Fingers crossed for a lucky break! I've not had the best 2011 or 2012 so far so hopefully I'm due one?!
On the money front I've been relatively good, managing to save a little from my weekly budget every week (20p saved is still better than nothing right?!) and saved bits here and there from bank accounts i.e. what's left when a new payday in one of my jobs comes round.
Had to spend £93 odd on a car service and a bit of repair work so my savings got a little dent, but still got about £530 saved ready to pay off my credit card 2 in November when the 0% ends. Just need about another £200 and I'm there.
Been going great guns on Swagbucks - making about £20 a month in a mixture of Paypal payments and Amazon vouchers. Been using the Amazon vouchers on birthday presents which has made the last couple of months easier financially.
Right, on with the job interview presentation...
Been rather off radar recently, not quite sure why, just not been in a writing kinda mood.
Lots of things going on - redundancy consultation at work begins Monday (we knew it was coming though), I have a job interview on Tuesday, and today I am applying for 5 other vacancies and finishing preparing a presentation for my job interview.
Things still not amazing with the bestie after she got together with my ex; we're amicable but I just don't feel the same about our friendship as I did. Made a random new friend via an internet date that didn't go anywhere romantically. Nothing to report really on the dating front, except I'm in contact with a nice guy who I should be meeting up with when he gets back from holiday soon.
Absolutely bricking it about my interview on Tuesday - interviews don't normally worry me but the job is doing lots of things I've not done before, so I need to make sure I come across as well as possible to stand a chance. It's paying £13k more than I'm on at the moment so it would sort my finances right out if I got it. It's also doing something I really want to do, and with no job security where I am it would be great timing. Fingers crossed for a lucky break! I've not had the best 2011 or 2012 so far so hopefully I'm due one?!
On the money front I've been relatively good, managing to save a little from my weekly budget every week (20p saved is still better than nothing right?!) and saved bits here and there from bank accounts i.e. what's left when a new payday in one of my jobs comes round.
Had to spend £93 odd on a car service and a bit of repair work so my savings got a little dent, but still got about £530 saved ready to pay off my credit card 2 in November when the 0% ends. Just need about another £200 and I'm there.
Been going great guns on Swagbucks - making about £20 a month in a mixture of Paypal payments and Amazon vouchers. Been using the Amazon vouchers on birthday presents which has made the last couple of months easier financially.
Right, on with the job interview presentation...
Monday, 9 April 2012
Tinker tinker...
Apologies if you think the blog looks a bit weird... been playing around with it to get the margins and layout how I like, etc.
Thought I'd stretch it out a little so I don't have so much blank space around my musings.
Still a bit new to all this fancy altering blog stuff!
Thought I'd stretch it out a little so I don't have so much blank space around my musings.
Still a bit new to all this fancy altering blog stuff!
Online money making
Been having a bit of success with this lately. So far this month I've managed:
* x2 £5 Amazon vouchers on Swagbucks points site
* £15.15 cashback on TopCashBack for signing up for Netflix (which I cancelled before the free period ended)
* £25 on Facebook sale (a couple of Habitat lampshades)
* £20 on Fabulous Bingo (played with a referral money bonus... no chancing my own money)
* 99p (will be less minus fees, probably about 61p) on Ebay sale
I have 13 items listed on Ebay so am hoping for more money than just the 99p I've made so far! That was for a book, and the other books listed didn't sell. It seems to be really hard to even sell brand new books on there.
Also got someone coming round to pick up some old CD racks from me (that I advertised on Facebook) on Wednesday for £8 so can add that to the pot when I get it.
And am almost at my first payout on Superpoints. Will claim 5 dollars via Paypal for that as better value for points accumulated than Amazon vouchers. After the exchange rate this will be £3 odd, but better than nothing :)
If anyone wants to join Superpoints, using this referral link will get both of us 25 bonus points:
Swagbucks is my favourite though, as I find it easier to rack up the points on there quicker. If you'd like to join Swagbucks a referral link is on the right hand side of my blog.
Also, if you're interested in TopCashBack there is also a link for that one the right hand side.
* x2 £5 Amazon vouchers on Swagbucks points site
* £15.15 cashback on TopCashBack for signing up for Netflix (which I cancelled before the free period ended)
* £25 on Facebook sale (a couple of Habitat lampshades)
* £20 on Fabulous Bingo (played with a referral money bonus... no chancing my own money)
* 99p (will be less minus fees, probably about 61p) on Ebay sale
I have 13 items listed on Ebay so am hoping for more money than just the 99p I've made so far! That was for a book, and the other books listed didn't sell. It seems to be really hard to even sell brand new books on there.
Also got someone coming round to pick up some old CD racks from me (that I advertised on Facebook) on Wednesday for £8 so can add that to the pot when I get it.
And am almost at my first payout on Superpoints. Will claim 5 dollars via Paypal for that as better value for points accumulated than Amazon vouchers. After the exchange rate this will be £3 odd, but better than nothing :)
If anyone wants to join Superpoints, using this referral link will get both of us 25 bonus points:
Swagbucks is my favourite though, as I find it easier to rack up the points on there quicker. If you'd like to join Swagbucks a referral link is on the right hand side of my blog.
Also, if you're interested in TopCashBack there is also a link for that one the right hand side.
Back on it
Sorry guys, been a bit slack with the 'ol blog. Life just gets busy, y'know?
I'm such a worrier, shouldn't have panicked so much about the valuation thing... price came out low and my landlady/friend has decided not to sell. Found out her reasoning behind it all as well - poor thing got a bill of over a grand through for some extra maintenance work.
Have applied for a job in another county as I mentioned in a previous post, and have seen another I'm going to apply for. Still planning to get away for a fresh start if possible as my life here has been getting me down. Makes financial sense anyway - both jobs pay more than my current job plus my second job so it's a no brainer really!
Finances are currently still going in the right direction... savings are going well and my spending, whilst not as careful as I'd like, is within my means with still some left over. I now have over £400 built up to pay off my £772.50 credit card when the interest free period ends around November time. Sadly, I realise my car is due a service very soon, so that'll will probably swipe £100-150 or more out of the money I've saved :( Still, better than the old days when I would have just put the bill on my credit card and not really paid it at all!
Happy Easter by the way everyone! I've been having a text conversation with one of my mates today who cannot understand why I'm not really an Easter egg fan... I just find chocolate on its own boring. I like chocolate with caramel, or biscuit, or nuts etc. but on its own? Snooze. Every year I either give away my chocolate, forget about it and end up throwing it away when it's out of date, or melt it down to make yummier things. I've had a hankering for brownies for weeks now, so am thinking about making some today, but you usually use dark chocolate for them and I've got a glut of milk chocolate. Any suggestions?
I'm such a worrier, shouldn't have panicked so much about the valuation thing... price came out low and my landlady/friend has decided not to sell. Found out her reasoning behind it all as well - poor thing got a bill of over a grand through for some extra maintenance work.
Have applied for a job in another county as I mentioned in a previous post, and have seen another I'm going to apply for. Still planning to get away for a fresh start if possible as my life here has been getting me down. Makes financial sense anyway - both jobs pay more than my current job plus my second job so it's a no brainer really!
Finances are currently still going in the right direction... savings are going well and my spending, whilst not as careful as I'd like, is within my means with still some left over. I now have over £400 built up to pay off my £772.50 credit card when the interest free period ends around November time. Sadly, I realise my car is due a service very soon, so that'll will probably swipe £100-150 or more out of the money I've saved :( Still, better than the old days when I would have just put the bill on my credit card and not really paid it at all!
Happy Easter by the way everyone! I've been having a text conversation with one of my mates today who cannot understand why I'm not really an Easter egg fan... I just find chocolate on its own boring. I like chocolate with caramel, or biscuit, or nuts etc. but on its own? Snooze. Every year I either give away my chocolate, forget about it and end up throwing it away when it's out of date, or melt it down to make yummier things. I've had a hankering for brownies for weeks now, so am thinking about making some today, but you usually use dark chocolate for them and I've got a glut of milk chocolate. Any suggestions?
Saturday, 24 March 2012
So here we are. I'm doing project house tidy (or rather will be when I get off my comp!) in preparation for the valuation of the flat I live in later today.
Should hopefully find out afterwards if my landlady is going to put it on the market, and at least then I'll know where I stand.
Should hopefully find out afterwards if my landlady is going to put it on the market, and at least then I'll know where I stand.
Friday, 23 March 2012
Just been paid in both jobs today, so been moving money around to see where I stand...
£12.45 saved this week from my weekly budget... would have been more but had to contribute to a present for my boss at work. This is in my money tin as is cash; will be paid in at a later date.
Also saved:
£15 saved in second job bank account that I didn't withdraw
£4.34 saved from main bank account that I didn't use this month
£196.22 saved from extra pay in job #1 (expenses, paid overtime and holiday sold back)
Plus £7.07 cleared from TopCashBack - just waiting for it to hit my bank account.
Have transfered all this money (except for the cash in my money pot) into my new ISA, ready to use against my credit card #2 when the 9 months interest free period ends.
Annoyingly job #2 have underpaid me this fortnight, leaving me £49.82 in my buffer account when it should be more like £88 - will have to follow this up. £36 still left from last month's council tax free month, which is good as I can use this against my new tax disc, due in April.
All going fairly well on the financial front then. Just got to get through an appraisal at work, and although I'm good at my job I'm so behind on my admin I'm likely to get a telling off... :(
£12.45 saved this week from my weekly budget... would have been more but had to contribute to a present for my boss at work. This is in my money tin as is cash; will be paid in at a later date.
Also saved:
£15 saved in second job bank account that I didn't withdraw
£4.34 saved from main bank account that I didn't use this month
£196.22 saved from extra pay in job #1 (expenses, paid overtime and holiday sold back)
Plus £7.07 cleared from TopCashBack - just waiting for it to hit my bank account.
Have transfered all this money (except for the cash in my money pot) into my new ISA, ready to use against my credit card #2 when the 9 months interest free period ends.
Annoyingly job #2 have underpaid me this fortnight, leaving me £49.82 in my buffer account when it should be more like £88 - will have to follow this up. £36 still left from last month's council tax free month, which is good as I can use this against my new tax disc, due in April.
All going fairly well on the financial front then. Just got to get through an appraisal at work, and although I'm good at my job I'm so behind on my admin I'm likely to get a telling off... :(
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
This week's budget
Somehow I still have £18.45 left, and only 2 more days to get through...!
Have decided to put £10 in my money tin, so as only to have £8.45 on me, to try and make sure I don't splurge : )
Have decided to put £10 in my money tin, so as only to have £8.45 on me, to try and make sure I don't splurge : )
Points sites
Been getting into points websites lately...
Just added links to Swagbucks and Superpoints websites on the right if you want to have a go too.
These are sites you can do stuff on to earn points - surveys, watch videos etc., and points = prizes! Or rather Amazon vouchers, cash via Paypal etc.
It takes a little while to rack up the points, but I seem to be managing it without too much effort, and a fiver claimed here and there is still a fiver here and there!
Also added a link to TopCashBack - great website for claiming money back on online purchases.
All the links are referrals... this means if you use them it will get me some points, but also get you some too : )
Just added links to Swagbucks and Superpoints websites on the right if you want to have a go too.
These are sites you can do stuff on to earn points - surveys, watch videos etc., and points = prizes! Or rather Amazon vouchers, cash via Paypal etc.
It takes a little while to rack up the points, but I seem to be managing it without too much effort, and a fiver claimed here and there is still a fiver here and there!
Also added a link to TopCashBack - great website for claiming money back on online purchases.
All the links are referrals... this means if you use them it will get me some points, but also get you some too : )
Monday, 19 March 2012
Laptop is back : )
They were able to fix it in the end, so that's made me £55 out of pocket rather than £350ish out of pocket for a new laptop, so am a happy bunny!
Paid the £55 out of the £91 saved from this month being a council tax free month, so felt fairly painless!
They were able to fix it in the end, so that's made me £55 out of pocket rather than £350ish out of pocket for a new laptop, so am a happy bunny!
Paid the £55 out of the £91 saved from this month being a council tax free month, so felt fairly painless!
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Just joined Twitter...
Might be nice to have to keep it short and snappy : )
And with my laptop still out of action, I can update easily on my phone!
Feel free to follow me - button is on the right.
And with my laptop still out of action, I can update easily on my phone!
Feel free to follow me - button is on the right.
Friday, 16 March 2012
Busy, busy, busy!
Am working a crazy amount of hours this week, what with full time work + 25 hours in my second job, due to taking some cover shifts. However, this is helping to keep me sane, and stopping me from worrying about my housing situation etc.
Need to be more positive. Blatantly failing on that New Year Resolution I made!
Paid in my pot of savings money this week as it was getting full... that with some online savings almost totals £100, almost. All is now in my shiny new ISA that I set up a few days ago.
My laptop is still in the computer shop at the moment as they try to figure out what is wrong with it. Turns out it wasn't as straightforward as it first appeared. Fingers crossed I won't have to buy a new one... we'll have to see I guess.
Got a busy couple of weeks ahead, but after that I must get off my backside and sell some stuff... especially as I may have to move house at some point. Got a few expensive dresses to get rid of, and think I might try a dress agency as the first port of call. If I get a spare minute this weekend I might put a couple of things on Ebay (things I want to start at more than 99p) to take advantage of their free listing weekend.
Oooh in other news, I have a date next weekend to look forward to : )
Need to be more positive. Blatantly failing on that New Year Resolution I made!
Paid in my pot of savings money this week as it was getting full... that with some online savings almost totals £100, almost. All is now in my shiny new ISA that I set up a few days ago.
My laptop is still in the computer shop at the moment as they try to figure out what is wrong with it. Turns out it wasn't as straightforward as it first appeared. Fingers crossed I won't have to buy a new one... we'll have to see I guess.
Got a busy couple of weeks ahead, but after that I must get off my backside and sell some stuff... especially as I may have to move house at some point. Got a few expensive dresses to get rid of, and think I might try a dress agency as the first port of call. If I get a spare minute this weekend I might put a couple of things on Ebay (things I want to start at more than 99p) to take advantage of their free listing weekend.
Oooh in other news, I have a date next weekend to look forward to : )
Sunday, 11 March 2012
It's all falling apart
Disturbing news today. A friend who is also my landlady has texted to say she wants to meet to talk about the flat. I wanted to cut to the chase and texted back to ask if she is selling it. She said she's not made a decision yet, but has booked for an estate agent to come round and value it in a couple of weekend's time.
I am a landlady myself, and rent mine out to someone I met through my letting agency that I was using initially to set the tenancy up. If I was to get the property valued I would let my tenant know before I even booked the appointment, and she isn't a friend. I am quite hurt that my friend has done this without even consulting me, even though I know full well she has a right to do whatever she wants when it comes to the property.
You may ask why I own somewhere and then rent somewhere else. I bought mine when property prices were higher and then decided to relocate back to my home town after a couple of years. I tried to sell it just as the recession started, and the offers I got were a lot lower than I paid and I would have lost a lot of money that I'd put into the property. I decided therefore it made the best sense to rent it out for the time being. I ended up renting out my friend's flat as she moved in with her boyfriend, and she was in the same position as me - would lose money to sell hers.
Nothing is definite yet, but I'm already dreading potentially becoming 'homeless'. My first port of call was to ring my dad and ask if I can move back in if necessary. Poor dad had to put up with me sobbing down the phone, but he made me feel a bit more sane, telling me that I am 'having a rough time of it at the moment', and that he felt bad for me, and was happy to be a shoulder to cry on. Anyway, moving back in with them is always a possibility, although there isn't room for most of my stuff, so I would have to pay for a storage unit. And my commute would go from 5 minutes to 45mins/1 hour every day. It's also obviously a step backwards.
I explained to my dad that the problem is I don't have the cash spare to put down a deposit to rent anywhere else (unless I use a credit card, which defeats the point of everything I'm trying to achieve), and that I am going to struggle to find anywhere anyway that will let me keep my cat with me. The advantage of renting from my friend was no deposit to find and letting me have the cat here.
I am facing redundancy later this year, as my sector is disappearing, being wiped out by government cuts... My dad suggested to me I look at jobs further afield, and maybe have a fresh start somewhere, as he has picked up on how unhappy/stuck in a rut I am at the moment. He thinks it would do me good to start somewhere new and perhaps he is right. However, I will still have the same problems of finding a rental deposit and being able to take kitty with me.
Perhaps I should look into selling my flat, even though I'll make a loss on it. I could use the profit to pay off my debts and then I could start again. I have always been loathe to do this, as it won't leave me with enough to buy another property, and makes the whole getting on the property ladder a total waste.
Why does life have to be so hard? 2011 was bad and this year is turning out no better. I've always been very independent, but suddenly the idea of having my parents around me feels quite nice. I feel I need the love and support at the moment.
I am a landlady myself, and rent mine out to someone I met through my letting agency that I was using initially to set the tenancy up. If I was to get the property valued I would let my tenant know before I even booked the appointment, and she isn't a friend. I am quite hurt that my friend has done this without even consulting me, even though I know full well she has a right to do whatever she wants when it comes to the property.
You may ask why I own somewhere and then rent somewhere else. I bought mine when property prices were higher and then decided to relocate back to my home town after a couple of years. I tried to sell it just as the recession started, and the offers I got were a lot lower than I paid and I would have lost a lot of money that I'd put into the property. I decided therefore it made the best sense to rent it out for the time being. I ended up renting out my friend's flat as she moved in with her boyfriend, and she was in the same position as me - would lose money to sell hers.
Nothing is definite yet, but I'm already dreading potentially becoming 'homeless'. My first port of call was to ring my dad and ask if I can move back in if necessary. Poor dad had to put up with me sobbing down the phone, but he made me feel a bit more sane, telling me that I am 'having a rough time of it at the moment', and that he felt bad for me, and was happy to be a shoulder to cry on. Anyway, moving back in with them is always a possibility, although there isn't room for most of my stuff, so I would have to pay for a storage unit. And my commute would go from 5 minutes to 45mins/1 hour every day. It's also obviously a step backwards.
I explained to my dad that the problem is I don't have the cash spare to put down a deposit to rent anywhere else (unless I use a credit card, which defeats the point of everything I'm trying to achieve), and that I am going to struggle to find anywhere anyway that will let me keep my cat with me. The advantage of renting from my friend was no deposit to find and letting me have the cat here.
I am facing redundancy later this year, as my sector is disappearing, being wiped out by government cuts... My dad suggested to me I look at jobs further afield, and maybe have a fresh start somewhere, as he has picked up on how unhappy/stuck in a rut I am at the moment. He thinks it would do me good to start somewhere new and perhaps he is right. However, I will still have the same problems of finding a rental deposit and being able to take kitty with me.
Perhaps I should look into selling my flat, even though I'll make a loss on it. I could use the profit to pay off my debts and then I could start again. I have always been loathe to do this, as it won't leave me with enough to buy another property, and makes the whole getting on the property ladder a total waste.
Why does life have to be so hard? 2011 was bad and this year is turning out no better. I've always been very independent, but suddenly the idea of having my parents around me feels quite nice. I feel I need the love and support at the moment.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
That's all that's left of this week's budget, to last until Friday! Donated £1 to charity by buying a cupcake (wasn't completely alturistic haha) and spent £2 on a sandwich. Must make sure I take lunch with me on Thursday, or admit defeat and spend a bit of money out of budget...
Savings are currently up to £71.32 with £20 to add from my bingo winnings a while back. Trying to do 'risk free' bingo at the moment to make a little money - basically the principle is to sign up to sites that offer free money to play with (the one I signed up with was via an account on a points site and I got £5 free to play with), or to sign up to sites via a referral, giving some bonus money to play with, and then go for it! Some of the sites require a £10 deposit, but I am only doing this with sites that I get £10 back from immediately via referral money. Basically the idea is, spend no money or only money I can definitely get back, and make money by signing up via cashback websites, or by being lucky enough to win some! Lucky I don't have an addictive personality, as I imagine some people would keep spending their own money on these sites... I personally find online bingo pretty tedious.
Credit card #2 is now at £772.50 following my 0% balance transfer of £750 for 9 months to pay off my friend and the existing balance on the card, plus the £22.50 balance transfer fee. Decided to set up a savings account to put the money in that I'm saving up towards paying this off (as I like to have different accounts to split up my money), and decided a Cash ISA is the best way forward, as they have the best interest rates. Have decided that rather than using this account as a temporary holding area to keep the money separate from my other spending, I might save up the money to pay off the £772.50, and then pay it all off in one hit just before my 9 months 0% interest is up. This would give me 9 months' savings interest on the money rather than making no interest on the money by paying it off my card in bits, quicker. I think this is the best idea, although I won't like looking at the credit card balance barely coming down over the next 9 months! I will of course, have to pay minimum payments so it'll come down a little bit in that time, but psychologically this will be a weird thing to get my head around.
Best get sell, sell, selling to start raising the money!
Savings are currently up to £71.32 with £20 to add from my bingo winnings a while back. Trying to do 'risk free' bingo at the moment to make a little money - basically the principle is to sign up to sites that offer free money to play with (the one I signed up with was via an account on a points site and I got £5 free to play with), or to sign up to sites via a referral, giving some bonus money to play with, and then go for it! Some of the sites require a £10 deposit, but I am only doing this with sites that I get £10 back from immediately via referral money. Basically the idea is, spend no money or only money I can definitely get back, and make money by signing up via cashback websites, or by being lucky enough to win some! Lucky I don't have an addictive personality, as I imagine some people would keep spending their own money on these sites... I personally find online bingo pretty tedious.
Credit card #2 is now at £772.50 following my 0% balance transfer of £750 for 9 months to pay off my friend and the existing balance on the card, plus the £22.50 balance transfer fee. Decided to set up a savings account to put the money in that I'm saving up towards paying this off (as I like to have different accounts to split up my money), and decided a Cash ISA is the best way forward, as they have the best interest rates. Have decided that rather than using this account as a temporary holding area to keep the money separate from my other spending, I might save up the money to pay off the £772.50, and then pay it all off in one hit just before my 9 months 0% interest is up. This would give me 9 months' savings interest on the money rather than making no interest on the money by paying it off my card in bits, quicker. I think this is the best idea, although I won't like looking at the credit card balance barely coming down over the next 9 months! I will of course, have to pay minimum payments so it'll come down a little bit in that time, but psychologically this will be a weird thing to get my head around.
Best get sell, sell, selling to start raising the money!
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Blown the budget
Already! Friday's budget of £30 is down to £3.30 to last me until next Friday (9th)... yikes!
I barely bought anything last week and ended up spending just under £16 out of my budget, with the other £14 going on £2 coins, £10 of which were purely random, £4 of which were me deliberately buying £2 coins at job #2 to stop me spending on the penultimate day of my budget.
However, the flip side of this, is that I needed to stock up this week, with cat food, toilet roll and the like, as well as food, meaning my supermarket spends were high. On Friday night I bought a couple of things, and then on Saturday did a Sainsbury's shop. I'm getting increasingly annoyed at the Basics Range... just keeps going up and up in price every time I go through the door. Basics Blueberries, were 90p, now £1.15. Basics Fruit & Fibre, was 60something p, now £1, etc. Starting to wonder if I'm going to be priced out of eating...! I might shift my buying to Tescos and Morrisons going forward... Tescos often have good reductions on stuff going out of date, and Morrisons tends to be generally cheaper, and their Value range is ok.
Almost everything seems to cost over £1 now. And I continue to get really upset over how much cheese is! £2.20 for a small block of mature cheddar has always seemed a lot to me :(
Just as well I get fed breakfast and lunch 3 days a week in one of my workplaces. And working evenings for my second job often stops me eating dinner, so instead I eat a small snack, which can work out cheaper, though I don't know how good for me that is.
Adding to the fact my supermarket shops were fairly hefty, Sainsbury's gave me x2 £2 coins in my change meaning I have to save them, hence why I am left with so little to live off for the rest of the week.
Let me think about what I'm going to need to buy. On Monday I am not in my usual place that feeds me, so I will need lunch. Evening dinner I have stuff in for. Tuesday and Wednesday should be ok as I'll be fed at work, and have stuff to eat in the evenings. Thursday I will need lunch, and also something to get me through my Thursday evening job #2 shift. Friday = new budget. I think I'll be ok. Cheese sandwiches if nothing else now I've forked out my £2.20! ;)
I barely bought anything last week and ended up spending just under £16 out of my budget, with the other £14 going on £2 coins, £10 of which were purely random, £4 of which were me deliberately buying £2 coins at job #2 to stop me spending on the penultimate day of my budget.
However, the flip side of this, is that I needed to stock up this week, with cat food, toilet roll and the like, as well as food, meaning my supermarket spends were high. On Friday night I bought a couple of things, and then on Saturday did a Sainsbury's shop. I'm getting increasingly annoyed at the Basics Range... just keeps going up and up in price every time I go through the door. Basics Blueberries, were 90p, now £1.15. Basics Fruit & Fibre, was 60something p, now £1, etc. Starting to wonder if I'm going to be priced out of eating...! I might shift my buying to Tescos and Morrisons going forward... Tescos often have good reductions on stuff going out of date, and Morrisons tends to be generally cheaper, and their Value range is ok.
Almost everything seems to cost over £1 now. And I continue to get really upset over how much cheese is! £2.20 for a small block of mature cheddar has always seemed a lot to me :(
Just as well I get fed breakfast and lunch 3 days a week in one of my workplaces. And working evenings for my second job often stops me eating dinner, so instead I eat a small snack, which can work out cheaper, though I don't know how good for me that is.
Adding to the fact my supermarket shops were fairly hefty, Sainsbury's gave me x2 £2 coins in my change meaning I have to save them, hence why I am left with so little to live off for the rest of the week.
Let me think about what I'm going to need to buy. On Monday I am not in my usual place that feeds me, so I will need lunch. Evening dinner I have stuff in for. Tuesday and Wednesday should be ok as I'll be fed at work, and have stuff to eat in the evenings. Thursday I will need lunch, and also something to get me through my Thursday evening job #2 shift. Friday = new budget. I think I'll be ok. Cheese sandwiches if nothing else now I've forked out my £2.20! ;)
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Kaput computer :(
Hence my silence, and this very short post.
Fan is broken, can't have it on more than about 5 minutes at once as it overheats :( Getting quotes at the moment regarding fixing it...
Fan is broken, can't have it on more than about 5 minutes at once as it overheats :( Getting quotes at the moment regarding fixing it...
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Saving splendour
Feeling rather smug at my newfound saving prowess...
In the last 6 weeks (i.e. since I started), I have saved £60.81 through a variety of means:
* my £2 coin saving resolution
* my saving everything not spent at the end of each budget week
* my saving everything not spent in my second current account (that job #2 gets paid into) at the end of each payment fortnight
* my collecting 'road kill' - random coins I find wherever
I have also made £20 through online bingo, and claimed £45 of Tesco reward points to use on dry cleaning. My dry cleaning bill was £48.25, of which I only had to pay £3.25 :)
At some point, possibly when I get to £100, I will use this money to pay down my credit card. Happy days.
In the last 6 weeks (i.e. since I started), I have saved £60.81 through a variety of means:
* my £2 coin saving resolution
* my saving everything not spent at the end of each budget week
* my saving everything not spent in my second current account (that job #2 gets paid into) at the end of each payment fortnight
* my collecting 'road kill' - random coins I find wherever
I have also made £20 through online bingo, and claimed £45 of Tesco reward points to use on dry cleaning. My dry cleaning bill was £48.25, of which I only had to pay £3.25 :)
At some point, possibly when I get to £100, I will use this money to pay down my credit card. Happy days.
I heart my bank
Sadly wouldn't let me put an actual heart symbol in that title.
I love my bank. That's something I didn't ever think I'd say! Here's why:
Every 3 or 4 months they send me options for my credit card (this is my small credit card, not the hefty one I'm paying off). The options are, to do balance transfers onto it from other cards at a 3% fee, with the amount transfered staying at 0% APR for 9 months, or to transfer funds from my credit card into my current account to do with them what I choose, with this amount also at 0% APR for 9 months.
I've never really given these offers much thought before. However, this time, I thought about it. I owe a friend £450 (originally £700) from when I hit a crunch point with my finances - my light bulb moment, you could say. I feel this hangs over our friendship and I want it gone. However, it makes financial sense to pay off my credit card first as I pay interest on it, and then pay off my friend, even if it's not great for our friendship, but I have been struggling with this more and more lately.
I decided to take decisive action. I decided £100 from my work bonus would go on this debt, bringing it down to £350, and then I would borrow the remaining £350 on this deal on my credit card, giving me 9 months interest free to get £350 together (through eBay sales etc.). This would have the advantages of paying off my friend, having time to pay this off my card interest free, and a specified time limit to get my arse into gear to pay it off.
So I rang up the bank to find out more details. I used the 'Saynoto0870' website to find an alternative number to the 0845 number on my letter so that it would be included in my mobile phone minutes. This meant working my way through several departments to get to the right one, but a free phone call. I eventually spoke to a very helpful lady in the credit card department, and asked her various questions about this deal - how it would show up on my statement, what the APR would be at the end etc. etc. She then pointed out to me a useful loophole - that I could borrow the £350 that I want AND also borrow enough to cover my existing balance (just under £400), transfer this £700 to my current account, and then use £350 to pay my friend, and £400 to pay my credit card bill. This then means my existing credit card bill becomes 0% APR for the next 9 months, as well as the money used to pay off my friend.
What a great idea! Now, why didn't I think of that?! We worked out that even with the balance transfer fee I would still save money, as the fee on my current balance would be £12 and I pay that in interest over 2-3 months anyway. The remaining £10.50 of my fee would be on the money transfered for my friend, but that's a small price to pay to get that debt cleared and my friendship less awkward.
I asked the lady if I could do this deal every time it's offered just to make my balance interest free, and she said yes. She put me through to the balance transfer team and it's all sorted, they told me it will take up to 7 days to go through.
I texted my friend to let him know he'll recieve all the remaining money from me hopefully next week and he's delighted. The small amount of strain in the relationship is now gone :)
Oh, and I found out my usual APR on that credit card isn't 19.9%, it's 18.9% :)
I love my bank. That's something I didn't ever think I'd say! Here's why:
Every 3 or 4 months they send me options for my credit card (this is my small credit card, not the hefty one I'm paying off). The options are, to do balance transfers onto it from other cards at a 3% fee, with the amount transfered staying at 0% APR for 9 months, or to transfer funds from my credit card into my current account to do with them what I choose, with this amount also at 0% APR for 9 months.
I've never really given these offers much thought before. However, this time, I thought about it. I owe a friend £450 (originally £700) from when I hit a crunch point with my finances - my light bulb moment, you could say. I feel this hangs over our friendship and I want it gone. However, it makes financial sense to pay off my credit card first as I pay interest on it, and then pay off my friend, even if it's not great for our friendship, but I have been struggling with this more and more lately.
I decided to take decisive action. I decided £100 from my work bonus would go on this debt, bringing it down to £350, and then I would borrow the remaining £350 on this deal on my credit card, giving me 9 months interest free to get £350 together (through eBay sales etc.). This would have the advantages of paying off my friend, having time to pay this off my card interest free, and a specified time limit to get my arse into gear to pay it off.
So I rang up the bank to find out more details. I used the 'Saynoto0870' website to find an alternative number to the 0845 number on my letter so that it would be included in my mobile phone minutes. This meant working my way through several departments to get to the right one, but a free phone call. I eventually spoke to a very helpful lady in the credit card department, and asked her various questions about this deal - how it would show up on my statement, what the APR would be at the end etc. etc. She then pointed out to me a useful loophole - that I could borrow the £350 that I want AND also borrow enough to cover my existing balance (just under £400), transfer this £700 to my current account, and then use £350 to pay my friend, and £400 to pay my credit card bill. This then means my existing credit card bill becomes 0% APR for the next 9 months, as well as the money used to pay off my friend.
What a great idea! Now, why didn't I think of that?! We worked out that even with the balance transfer fee I would still save money, as the fee on my current balance would be £12 and I pay that in interest over 2-3 months anyway. The remaining £10.50 of my fee would be on the money transfered for my friend, but that's a small price to pay to get that debt cleared and my friendship less awkward.
I asked the lady if I could do this deal every time it's offered just to make my balance interest free, and she said yes. She put me through to the balance transfer team and it's all sorted, they told me it will take up to 7 days to go through.
I texted my friend to let him know he'll recieve all the remaining money from me hopefully next week and he's delighted. The small amount of strain in the relationship is now gone :)
Oh, and I found out my usual APR on that credit card isn't 19.9%, it's 18.9% :)
Saturday, 25 February 2012
Flurry of coins
That's £2 coins - 3 coins yesterday alone as well as some earlier in the week! My new weekly budget started yesterday and I'm trying to get back on track after the expense of 'birthday month'.
A bit annoyingly though job #2 have only half paid me. I was meant to be paid two weeks' holiday but have only been paid one :( So am going to try and live off one week's budget for two weeks if I can! A challenge is always good... However, I'm already down to £18.68 after buying a couple of things yesterday and having to save £6 of £2 coins!
In better news though, job #1 have given us all a bonus!!!! This is unheard of, but I think it's to make up in part for no cost of living rise on our salaries for several years. They gave me £390, but after the taxman and student loan company have had their extra share I'm left with about £250. I've decided to use this to pay off my ex who I owe £145 to (and to be honest I want no ties with him at the moment so this is especially useful), and going to use the other £100 to pay towards a friend I owe £450.
I still have the £29.50 left from my council tax free month at the moment which is good. I also have £20 winging its way to me from a bingo site - a points site I use (will explain these at some other point) offered me a membership to a bingo site, with £5 free to play with. I used it, and made just over £20, which I have withdrawn to my bank account (just waiting for it to arrive). That's free money :)
A bit annoyingly though job #2 have only half paid me. I was meant to be paid two weeks' holiday but have only been paid one :( So am going to try and live off one week's budget for two weeks if I can! A challenge is always good... However, I'm already down to £18.68 after buying a couple of things yesterday and having to save £6 of £2 coins!
In better news though, job #1 have given us all a bonus!!!! This is unheard of, but I think it's to make up in part for no cost of living rise on our salaries for several years. They gave me £390, but after the taxman and student loan company have had their extra share I'm left with about £250. I've decided to use this to pay off my ex who I owe £145 to (and to be honest I want no ties with him at the moment so this is especially useful), and going to use the other £100 to pay towards a friend I owe £450.
I still have the £29.50 left from my council tax free month at the moment which is good. I also have £20 winging its way to me from a bingo site - a points site I use (will explain these at some other point) offered me a membership to a bingo site, with £5 free to play with. I used it, and made just over £20, which I have withdrawn to my bank account (just waiting for it to arrive). That's free money :)
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
And it looks like we might have made it,
yes, it's looks like we might have made it... to the end. Guess the song?!
Anyway, I'm talking about getting through my birthday month financially sound, and still not having added a penny to my credit card balance!
Payday for both jobs is this Friday and I have £7.63 left to last me through tomorrow. An update on the birthday month spends:
*£7 - present for L's birthday (her b'day = 6th Feb)
*£20 - meal out on Thursday for A's birthday (his b'day = 14th Feb)
*£17 - meal out on Friday for my birthday
*£3.90 - drinks out Friday night for B's birthday (his b'day =11th Feb)
*£36.20 - train to London for R's birthday party on Saturday (her b'day = 10th Feb - she's my birthday twin)
*£10 - to top up my Oyster card to get around London
*£8.50 - food at R's birthday party
*£36.11 - drinks at R's birthday party (buying a round is what made that so high)
*£12.54 - lunch on Sunday in London with S
*£0 - lunch meet up on Monday with RS (his b'day = 12th Feb) - he treated me : )
*£15 - extra petrol put in as been driving around so much
*£10 - petrol to holiday cottage (we spent more than that but that was my share)
*£17 - food and drinks on holiday cottage break
So a grand total of £193.25 on birthdayish stuff. Wow, that's a lot of money. Though it wasn't so long ago I'd have thought nothing of spending that on a shopping trip... and that is why I am in this mess! At least I have finally adjusted my spending habits.
I am impressed that I have restrained myself into still keeping £29.50 left over from it being a council tax free month, which is going towards kitty's yearly jabs, which she is booked in for in a week or so.
However, all this enjoying myself has left me with only a couple of pounds buffer money remaining. Having taken 2 weeks off job #2 (I have to take a full week off to be allowed a weekend off, and I wanted 2 weekends off), I will only be paid my bare minimum this Friday (i.e. 8 hours for each week holiday pay), meaning £0 to add to the buffer fund to build it back up. So no, fall back plan available for early March :(
Had a lovely time though. The break away in the cottage was perfect - just the right amount of good company, good wine, and good food, mixed with ample amounts of sympathy and disgust around the bestie-and-ex situation.
Anyway, I'm talking about getting through my birthday month financially sound, and still not having added a penny to my credit card balance!
Payday for both jobs is this Friday and I have £7.63 left to last me through tomorrow. An update on the birthday month spends:
*£7 - present for L's birthday (her b'day = 6th Feb)
*£20 - meal out on Thursday for A's birthday (his b'day = 14th Feb)
*£17 - meal out on Friday for my birthday
*£3.90 - drinks out Friday night for B's birthday (his b'day =11th Feb)
*£36.20 - train to London for R's birthday party on Saturday (her b'day = 10th Feb - she's my birthday twin)
*£10 - to top up my Oyster card to get around London
*£8.50 - food at R's birthday party
*£36.11 - drinks at R's birthday party (buying a round is what made that so high)
*£12.54 - lunch on Sunday in London with S
*£0 - lunch meet up on Monday with RS (his b'day = 12th Feb) - he treated me : )
*£15 - extra petrol put in as been driving around so much
*£10 - petrol to holiday cottage (we spent more than that but that was my share)
*£17 - food and drinks on holiday cottage break
So a grand total of £193.25 on birthdayish stuff. Wow, that's a lot of money. Though it wasn't so long ago I'd have thought nothing of spending that on a shopping trip... and that is why I am in this mess! At least I have finally adjusted my spending habits.
I am impressed that I have restrained myself into still keeping £29.50 left over from it being a council tax free month, which is going towards kitty's yearly jabs, which she is booked in for in a week or so.
However, all this enjoying myself has left me with only a couple of pounds buffer money remaining. Having taken 2 weeks off job #2 (I have to take a full week off to be allowed a weekend off, and I wanted 2 weekends off), I will only be paid my bare minimum this Friday (i.e. 8 hours for each week holiday pay), meaning £0 to add to the buffer fund to build it back up. So no, fall back plan available for early March :(
Had a lovely time though. The break away in the cottage was perfect - just the right amount of good company, good wine, and good food, mixed with ample amounts of sympathy and disgust around the bestie-and-ex situation.
Friday, 17 February 2012
Today's the day
Today's the day I leave for my cottage break with friends. I'm really looking forward to it. Just so much to sort out before I go!
Hoping I'm going to have enough money to see me through... thinking the tank of petrol to get there might have to be put on my credit card, ooops, but the girls will chip in towards that.
There's one less of us going now... my best friend. She's recently started seeing my ex and try as I might to be ok with it, it's turned into a big old mess. Tricky when you've been friends with someone for 25 years, but bearing that in mind, she, out of everyone, should have been the last person to mess with my head or hurt me.
I sense our friendship will never be as close again :(
All the more reason to meet new people I suppose, and to enjoy this weekend with my other friends (who all back me up with this situation). My actual birthday last week was wrecked by the ex and best friend PDAing all in front of me, so this will be my PROPER birthday celebration :)
Hoping I'm going to have enough money to see me through... thinking the tank of petrol to get there might have to be put on my credit card, ooops, but the girls will chip in towards that.
There's one less of us going now... my best friend. She's recently started seeing my ex and try as I might to be ok with it, it's turned into a big old mess. Tricky when you've been friends with someone for 25 years, but bearing that in mind, she, out of everyone, should have been the last person to mess with my head or hurt me.
I sense our friendship will never be as close again :(
All the more reason to meet new people I suppose, and to enjoy this weekend with my other friends (who all back me up with this situation). My actual birthday last week was wrecked by the ex and best friend PDAing all in front of me, so this will be my PROPER birthday celebration :)
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Valentine's Day
Well no cards, but the post has come and Lloyds TSB love me, it would appear. They want to raise my credit card limit from £1750 to £2500! I won't use it but I guess it doesn't hurt to have access to extra credit in case of a massive emergency (like the boiler goes in my flat I rent out).
Been a busy bee journeying up to London for R's party, hanging out with my mate S whilst up there (and celeb spotting Bill Bailey!), and yesterday having a long overdue catch up with RS. : )
Update on birthday month spends:
*£7 - present for L's birthday (her b'day = 6th Feb)
*£20 - meal out on Thursday for A's birthday (his b'day = 14th Feb)
*£17 - meal out on Friday for my birthday
*£3.90 - drinks out Friday night for B's birthday (his b'day =11th Feb)
*£36.20 - train to London for R's birthday party on Saturday (her b'day = 10th Feb - she's my birthday twin)
*£10 - to top up my Oyster card to get around London
*£8.50 - food at R's birthday party
*£36.11 - drinks at R's birthday party (buying a round is what made that so high)
*£12.54 - lunch on Sunday in London with S
*£0 - lunch meet up on Monday with RS (his b'day = 12th Feb) - he treated me : )
*£15 - extra petrol put in as been driving around so much
Still to come:
*? - petrol to holiday cottage
*? - food and drinks on holiday cottage break
*? - more petrol to get me around for the remainder of the month
Plus, to add to all of this, with my £91 saved from it being a council tax free month, I also paid £61.50 for a home contents insurance policy, as I didn't have one, and getting one was long overdue! Nice that TopCashBack are going to give me £30.30 back for that though. Normally I'd pay monthly but with it being such a cheap policy I didn't see the point (as you have to pay extra). Am trying to save the remaining £29.50 left over from the rest of my council tax payment to use for something useful (rather than just splurging it on birthday meals etc.), such as putting it towards the yearly injections my kitty is due for.
Not quite sure how I still seem to be managing after all that expenditure, but I seem to have made it work (so far) with the money I already had saved, and an extra £70 or so that I was paid last Friday (for working more than my contracted minimum hours in my second job).
I suspect I might be living off toast by the end of the month though...
Been a busy bee journeying up to London for R's party, hanging out with my mate S whilst up there (and celeb spotting Bill Bailey!), and yesterday having a long overdue catch up with RS. : )
Update on birthday month spends:
*£7 - present for L's birthday (her b'day = 6th Feb)
*£20 - meal out on Thursday for A's birthday (his b'day = 14th Feb)
*£17 - meal out on Friday for my birthday
*£3.90 - drinks out Friday night for B's birthday (his b'day =11th Feb)
*£36.20 - train to London for R's birthday party on Saturday (her b'day = 10th Feb - she's my birthday twin)
*£10 - to top up my Oyster card to get around London
*£8.50 - food at R's birthday party
*£36.11 - drinks at R's birthday party (buying a round is what made that so high)
*£12.54 - lunch on Sunday in London with S
*£0 - lunch meet up on Monday with RS (his b'day = 12th Feb) - he treated me : )
*£15 - extra petrol put in as been driving around so much
Still to come:
*? - petrol to holiday cottage
*? - food and drinks on holiday cottage break
*? - more petrol to get me around for the remainder of the month
Plus, to add to all of this, with my £91 saved from it being a council tax free month, I also paid £61.50 for a home contents insurance policy, as I didn't have one, and getting one was long overdue! Nice that TopCashBack are going to give me £30.30 back for that though. Normally I'd pay monthly but with it being such a cheap policy I didn't see the point (as you have to pay extra). Am trying to save the remaining £29.50 left over from the rest of my council tax payment to use for something useful (rather than just splurging it on birthday meals etc.), such as putting it towards the yearly injections my kitty is due for.
Not quite sure how I still seem to be managing after all that expenditure, but I seem to have made it work (so far) with the money I already had saved, and an extra £70 or so that I was paid last Friday (for working more than my contracted minimum hours in my second job).
I suspect I might be living off toast by the end of the month though...
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Birthday spends
I've been going off topic a little lately what with bemoaning my new age and single status ya-de-ya-da, so today it's back to the finances.
I knew the birthday (and the multitude of friends' birthdays around mine) would equal a splurge-fest and so far I'm proving myself right. Spent so far:
*£7 - present for L's birthday (her b'day = 6th Feb)
*£20 - meal out for A's birthday (his b'day = 14th Feb)
*£17 - meal out last night for my birthday
*£3.90 - drinks out last night for B's birthday (his b'day =11th Feb)
*? - extra petrol required to visit L on Thursday and my parents yesterday
Still to come:
*£31 or £36.50 (for faster train) - train to London for R's birthday party tonight (her b'day = 10th Feb - she's my birthday twin)
*? - food before R's birthday party
*? - drinks at R's birthday party
*? - lunch on Sunday with S (have decided to stay in London overnight now)
*? - potential meet up on Monday with RS (his b'day = 12th Feb)
*? - petrol to holiday cottage
*? - food and drinks on holiday cottage break
Ouch! That's a lot of money : ( However, I only turn 30 once right? That said, with all the other birthdays too, February is always an expensive month. So far I'm using money purposefully saved up, but I fear I may have to resort to the credit card before the month is through...
At least most of my friends are like me, not all that bothered about presents. It's more about the meeting up and enjoying each other's company : )
I knew the birthday (and the multitude of friends' birthdays around mine) would equal a splurge-fest and so far I'm proving myself right. Spent so far:
*£7 - present for L's birthday (her b'day = 6th Feb)
*£20 - meal out for A's birthday (his b'day = 14th Feb)
*£17 - meal out last night for my birthday
*£3.90 - drinks out last night for B's birthday (his b'day =11th Feb)
*? - extra petrol required to visit L on Thursday and my parents yesterday
Still to come:
*£31 or £36.50 (for faster train) - train to London for R's birthday party tonight (her b'day = 10th Feb - she's my birthday twin)
*? - food before R's birthday party
*? - drinks at R's birthday party
*? - lunch on Sunday with S (have decided to stay in London overnight now)
*? - potential meet up on Monday with RS (his b'day = 12th Feb)
*? - petrol to holiday cottage
*? - food and drinks on holiday cottage break
Ouch! That's a lot of money : ( However, I only turn 30 once right? That said, with all the other birthdays too, February is always an expensive month. So far I'm using money purposefully saved up, but I fear I may have to resort to the credit card before the month is through...
At least most of my friends are like me, not all that bothered about presents. It's more about the meeting up and enjoying each other's company : )
Friday, 10 February 2012
So here it is...
...urgh, the day of my birth. And a new decade. That is just frickin' scary when I think about it!
Thought I'd be depressed this morning but the flurry of Facebook birthday messages and text messages seems to be keeping me going.
Also, I've decided to take decisive action on the 'being single' front. What I need is to meet more people, and ideally older people. Nearly all the people I go out with are younger than me (or coupled up), making it hard to find an older man. 30 is therefore the year of the gym (there must be some older hotties there), and the year I join a walking group. Yes, a walking group. I know that sounds terribly old, but there is one near me that I went on a walk with a couple of years ago and they are all in their 30s and 40s (young for a rambler's group!). If I'm not feeling too lazy this Sunday I'll try and join them for a walk. Once I've been out with them a few times I'll have to pay £20something to join the Ramblers Association, but that's small fry in comparision to taking up some other activities.
Well I had New Year Resolutions, and most of them are going well, so why not have a turning 30 resolution? My resolution is that this year will be the year of the 'washboard abs'! No, I'm not talking men here (not that I wouldn't mind!), I'm talking about myself! Since breaking up with the ex I've lost 9 pounds and am now 8 stone 1, and back in my size 8 clothes : ) This is pretty well where I was before I got together with him, so I'm back to normal. However, I have never, as an adult, had the flat stomach of my teens, and so I want to go on a toning mission. It must be possible, as I'm fairly small and only have a relatively thin layer of blubber on my belly, to get washboard abs if I try hard enough, right? Here's hoping!
Right, I should probably get out of bed and go to the gym then...
Thought I'd be depressed this morning but the flurry of Facebook birthday messages and text messages seems to be keeping me going.
Also, I've decided to take decisive action on the 'being single' front. What I need is to meet more people, and ideally older people. Nearly all the people I go out with are younger than me (or coupled up), making it hard to find an older man. 30 is therefore the year of the gym (there must be some older hotties there), and the year I join a walking group. Yes, a walking group. I know that sounds terribly old, but there is one near me that I went on a walk with a couple of years ago and they are all in their 30s and 40s (young for a rambler's group!). If I'm not feeling too lazy this Sunday I'll try and join them for a walk. Once I've been out with them a few times I'll have to pay £20something to join the Ramblers Association, but that's small fry in comparision to taking up some other activities.
Well I had New Year Resolutions, and most of them are going well, so why not have a turning 30 resolution? My resolution is that this year will be the year of the 'washboard abs'! No, I'm not talking men here (not that I wouldn't mind!), I'm talking about myself! Since breaking up with the ex I've lost 9 pounds and am now 8 stone 1, and back in my size 8 clothes : ) This is pretty well where I was before I got together with him, so I'm back to normal. However, I have never, as an adult, had the flat stomach of my teens, and so I want to go on a toning mission. It must be possible, as I'm fairly small and only have a relatively thin layer of blubber on my belly, to get washboard abs if I try hard enough, right? Here's hoping!
Right, I should probably get out of bed and go to the gym then...
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Hitting me hard
I'll be honest. Much as I'd like to be all sweetness and light about turning 30 tomorrow, I am not. It's not the getting older as such (you think I'm that shallow?!) but it's the symbolism of it, what it represents. And sadly for me, that is exactly what I've not achieved in my life.
Never at 20 would I have thought that at 30:
*I'd be broke and in a massive amount of debt (and therefore living on a shoestring)
*I would be working a full time job AND a part time job to afford to even eat
*I'd be totally single with not even a decent man on the horizon
*I'd be facing potential redundancy (later this year)
*I'd have not had any children
Add to that that over the last few months I've become the only single one of my local female friends, leaving me to feel very alone, and you can perhaps see why I'm not exactly jumping up and down to celebrate the anniversary of my birth.
What I think I'd like to do is drink myself into oblivion tomorrow to make it all go away, but somehow I think that will be unhelpful, and rather ungrownup for a 30 year old (and besides, my hangovers are a bitch)...
So what will I do? Well I'll slap on a smile, do the rounds seeing family and friends, and try and convince myself that everything is ok, hey, it's just another day after all...
Never at 20 would I have thought that at 30:
*I'd be broke and in a massive amount of debt (and therefore living on a shoestring)
*I would be working a full time job AND a part time job to afford to even eat
*I'd be totally single with not even a decent man on the horizon
*I'd be facing potential redundancy (later this year)
*I'd have not had any children
Add to that that over the last few months I've become the only single one of my local female friends, leaving me to feel very alone, and you can perhaps see why I'm not exactly jumping up and down to celebrate the anniversary of my birth.
What I think I'd like to do is drink myself into oblivion tomorrow to make it all go away, but somehow I think that will be unhelpful, and rather ungrownup for a 30 year old (and besides, my hangovers are a bitch)...
So what will I do? Well I'll slap on a smile, do the rounds seeing family and friends, and try and convince myself that everything is ok, hey, it's just another day after all...
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Nothing to do today except housework and some work for job #1 so not bothered by the snow today. It looks mighty pretty, and I love the silence of it.
One who is not happy is poor kitty... there is not much in life she hates more than snow. In previous years watching her try to walk in it is quite comical as she keeps shaking her feet after every step to get the snow off. Today I think she'll stay inside, no doubt getting annoyed at me as she thinks it is all my fault.
Here's a picture of her looking unimpressed after surveying the scene:
One who is not happy is poor kitty... there is not much in life she hates more than snow. In previous years watching her try to walk in it is quite comical as she keeps shaking her feet after every step to get the snow off. Today I think she'll stay inside, no doubt getting annoyed at me as she thinks it is all my fault.
Here's a picture of her looking unimpressed after surveying the scene:
Was hoping to have a NSD today because of the snow, but I might have to pop out for provisions on foot - think I'm low on milk. Maybe I should have joined in the panic buying with everyone else yesterday...?
Saturday, 4 February 2012
My date for tonight got cancelled : ( Well, probably for the best looking at the weather forecast... snow, snow, snow!
I have somehow already managed to spend 2/3 of this week's weekly budget and it's only Saturday! I fear February will be an expensive month, what with birthday drinks and dinners, not just for me, but a variety of friends. I just hope I don't go into financial meltdown...
Thinking of my birthday, with turning 30 on Friday I think I'm going to have to rewrite the 'about me' bit of this blog... hmmm
I have somehow already managed to spend 2/3 of this week's weekly budget and it's only Saturday! I fear February will be an expensive month, what with birthday drinks and dinners, not just for me, but a variety of friends. I just hope I don't go into financial meltdown...
Thinking of my birthday, with turning 30 on Friday I think I'm going to have to rewrite the 'about me' bit of this blog... hmmm
Thursday, 2 February 2012
Necessary spending
It's the end of this budget week and I have £5.23 left, result! Ok, so I may have cheated slightly ~slaps wrist~ but I needed a whole load of toiletries etc. and spent buffer money on those instead of using my weekly budget, but they all needed buying at once, and that's where a weekly budget falls down.
At least I bought some of them off Ebay, saving quite a bit on what I would have paid in the shops.
Here's a list of what I bought (exciting stuff, I know):
- £8 in Poundland on shampoo, washing up liquid, light bulbs etc. Savers would have been cheaper but I went after work and they were shut : (
- £2.50 on a replacement pair of shoes for my second job - plimsols from Primark... yeah, I'm sexy!
- £2.99 on liquid eyeliner on Ebay (usually around £5/6 in shops)
- £6.98 on foundation on Ebay (usually around £10/11 in shops)
- £11.51 on perfume on Ebay (normally around £20/25 I think)
- £9.99 on a new loo seat on Ebay (mine is cracked and was bugging me)
This leaves me with a buffer pot of money of £101.59, down from £143.56. Still not a bad amount left for the birthday month, and I'll be able to top up this pot of money next weekend when I get paid again from job #2.
Not feeling too down on myself about my spending, as all were things I needed and nothing was bought on a whim.
Also, excitement (!), have realised I have February and March free from monthly council tax payments as they are spread over 10 months instead of 12. : ) That'll give me some spare funds to put towards my new tax disc, the yearly jabs for my kitty, and an overdue car service, so was pleased as punch when I realised this.
And in more interesting news, I have date number 2 with the guy from a couple of weeks ago coming up this Saturday...
At least I bought some of them off Ebay, saving quite a bit on what I would have paid in the shops.
Here's a list of what I bought (exciting stuff, I know):
- £8 in Poundland on shampoo, washing up liquid, light bulbs etc. Savers would have been cheaper but I went after work and they were shut : (
- £2.50 on a replacement pair of shoes for my second job - plimsols from Primark... yeah, I'm sexy!
- £2.99 on liquid eyeliner on Ebay (usually around £5/6 in shops)
- £6.98 on foundation on Ebay (usually around £10/11 in shops)
- £11.51 on perfume on Ebay (normally around £20/25 I think)
- £9.99 on a new loo seat on Ebay (mine is cracked and was bugging me)
This leaves me with a buffer pot of money of £101.59, down from £143.56. Still not a bad amount left for the birthday month, and I'll be able to top up this pot of money next weekend when I get paid again from job #2.
Not feeling too down on myself about my spending, as all were things I needed and nothing was bought on a whim.
Also, excitement (!), have realised I have February and March free from monthly council tax payments as they are spread over 10 months instead of 12. : ) That'll give me some spare funds to put towards my new tax disc, the yearly jabs for my kitty, and an overdue car service, so was pleased as punch when I realised this.
And in more interesting news, I have date number 2 with the guy from a couple of weeks ago coming up this Saturday...
Monday, 30 January 2012
A 'lil bit of bad, a 'lil bit of good
The bad: I splurged on Subway for lunch
The good: I got a £2 coin in my change, gone straight into savings!
The good: I got a £2 coin in my change, gone straight into savings!
Sunday, 29 January 2012
The inventory got cancelled. We finished work as normal around 10.15pm, stuffed our faces with pizza pre-inventory then discovered that the system hadn't set itself up properly for us to actually do the inventory. Cue lots of faffing and trying to sort, and eventually my boss decided to give up. So I didn't get paid all that extra time until 2am, but I did get paid an extra hour, and got to eat some pizza. Mmmmm pizza : )
Sadly my employer #2 is too stingy to give us free pizza even when we have to stay late so I had to pay for my half, but in my change I got another £2 coin to add to my pot, so win win!
Off to bed now with a belly full of pizza, happy me : )
Sadly my employer #2 is too stingy to give us free pizza even when we have to stay late so I had to pay for my half, but in my change I got another £2 coin to add to my pot, so win win!
Off to bed now with a belly full of pizza, happy me : )
Saturday, 28 January 2012
...working late tonight - normally finish around 10.15pm in job #2 but will be finishing about 2am instead as doing inventory tonight.
Still, must look on the bright side, this whole shift is extra - I took it as the girl meant to work it got fired and they needed cover. Only found out it was going to be a late one a couple of nights ago, but it's all extra money!
Still, must look on the bright side, this whole shift is extra - I took it as the girl meant to work it got fired and they needed cover. Only found out it was going to be a late one a couple of nights ago, but it's all extra money!
Buffer money
Ok, so I didn't make it to £2.83 - forgot I needed to give someone 50p for something... however, still saved the rest, and from my new weekly budget on Friday I have already had a £2 coin in my change so that's been added to the savings pot courtesy of my £2 saving resolution.
Also been saving everything I earn over my regular salary e.g. hours over my minimum contract of 8 a week in my job #2 , and petrol expenses and overtime in job #1. This is something I have been doing for a while, but I was getting into bad habits of dipping into the buffer a little too much. The current amount I have stashed is to see me through my birthday month of February, and to pay for anything else that might come up that I can't afford from my meagre weekly budget.
Plan is to try and keep my buffer as high as possible, and use bits every now and then to pay down my debt, but still leave myself some as fall back money.
Of course, I definitely have some extra paying down debt to do, since I splurged on clothes for that interview (co-incidentally, I found out today that I wasn't successful), and have the cottage break for my birthday to pay off too - so about an extra £200 - yikes! Am hoping to sell some stuff soon though and use that money to pay off some of the £200...
Yes, I know, I could use my buffer money to pay down my credit card, and logic would say that's a good idea. However, I want to get out of the habit of using that credit card (my other credit card has a large balance I am consistently paying off), so want to keep the buffer to ensure I don't touch the card again for a while.
Going to add the buffer amount to my savings at the bottom of my blog page to give the whole picture.
Also been saving everything I earn over my regular salary e.g. hours over my minimum contract of 8 a week in my job #2 , and petrol expenses and overtime in job #1. This is something I have been doing for a while, but I was getting into bad habits of dipping into the buffer a little too much. The current amount I have stashed is to see me through my birthday month of February, and to pay for anything else that might come up that I can't afford from my meagre weekly budget.
Plan is to try and keep my buffer as high as possible, and use bits every now and then to pay down my debt, but still leave myself some as fall back money.
Of course, I definitely have some extra paying down debt to do, since I splurged on clothes for that interview (co-incidentally, I found out today that I wasn't successful), and have the cottage break for my birthday to pay off too - so about an extra £200 - yikes! Am hoping to sell some stuff soon though and use that money to pay off some of the £200...
Yes, I know, I could use my buffer money to pay down my credit card, and logic would say that's a good idea. However, I want to get out of the habit of using that credit card (my other credit card has a large balance I am consistently paying off), so want to keep the buffer to ensure I don't touch the card again for a while.
Going to add the buffer amount to my savings at the bottom of my blog page to give the whole picture.
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Staying strong
81p found from the depths of my car and added to the tin, making £13.74 in savings so far this month. Didn't start until 13th though, so pretty chuffed with myself, as although I admit the figures are small, it will all help. : )
Just got to make it through work #2 tonight without caving and buying anything (I'm surrounded by sweets, chocolate and crisps there), and I'll be able to add the remaining £2.83 from this week's budget. Must be strong! Haha
Just got to make it through work #2 tonight without caving and buying anything (I'm surrounded by sweets, chocolate and crisps there), and I'll be able to add the remaining £2.83 from this week's budget. Must be strong! Haha
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Moral support
Bless one of my friends, writer of the blog "squashedkitty." - check it out on My Blog List.
He's put this on his blog and said it was for me:
Thanks matey, wise words. : )
He's put this on his blog and said it was for me:
"Being broke is a temporary situation, Being poor is a state of mind."
Michael ToddThanks matey, wise words. : )
What the...?
So a curious thing has happened. It turns out I like saving. Yes, me of all people! Who'd have thought it?!
My living only off cash NY resolution is making me very careful about how much I spend as I can visably see my money reducing. My weekly budget is £37.50, starting on Fridays (as I get paid in job #2 every fortnight on a Friday). The last two weeks I only withdrew £60, £30 for each week, to see how I got on, idea being there would be a bit extra in the bank to draw on if needed, and although there is a cash point that dispenses £5 notes near me, £30 is a nice round figure to get out.
First week I had £4.44 left. This week I'll have £2.83 left, providing I don't buy anything tomorrow, which I'm sure I can manage. I also then had £15 left in the bank which I ended up using to put some much needed petrol in my car. So not only did I come in well under budget, I also managed to get some petrol, and save £7.27! And that is despite my earlier posts this week flapping about going over budget on my date and the like...
I have a little tin that I'm saving my £2 coins in (see other NY resolution), and I've added the £4.44 to it, and will add the remaining £2.83 tomorrow night, provided I don't spend it. Also in the tin are some coppers and 5p coins I had kicking about the place, and soon I'll put the bits and bobs that are floating round my car in there too.
Will add a savings total to the bottom of my blog, alongside my debt totals so you can see my progress : )
Plan is to pay the savings in to my bank once they build up sufficiently, and use the money to pay off some of my smaller debts - e.g. money I owe friends, or my small credit card that I used recently to pay for interview clothing and mini holiday for my birthday.
Also pleased to announce I have over £100 saved for "Birthday Month" (February), as no doubt it'll be an expensive one, what with turning 30 and all... (eeek!) This money was saved from overtime worked in job #1 and hours worked over my contract in job #2 during January : )
Oh and today was a No Spend Day. Got fed breakfast and lunch free of charge in the venue I worked in today (as normal for a Tuesday or Wednesday), but also got fed dinner free of charge too, as had to stay late for an event. Result!
My living only off cash NY resolution is making me very careful about how much I spend as I can visably see my money reducing. My weekly budget is £37.50, starting on Fridays (as I get paid in job #2 every fortnight on a Friday). The last two weeks I only withdrew £60, £30 for each week, to see how I got on, idea being there would be a bit extra in the bank to draw on if needed, and although there is a cash point that dispenses £5 notes near me, £30 is a nice round figure to get out.
First week I had £4.44 left. This week I'll have £2.83 left, providing I don't buy anything tomorrow, which I'm sure I can manage. I also then had £15 left in the bank which I ended up using to put some much needed petrol in my car. So not only did I come in well under budget, I also managed to get some petrol, and save £7.27! And that is despite my earlier posts this week flapping about going over budget on my date and the like...
I have a little tin that I'm saving my £2 coins in (see other NY resolution), and I've added the £4.44 to it, and will add the remaining £2.83 tomorrow night, provided I don't spend it. Also in the tin are some coppers and 5p coins I had kicking about the place, and soon I'll put the bits and bobs that are floating round my car in there too.
Will add a savings total to the bottom of my blog, alongside my debt totals so you can see my progress : )
Plan is to pay the savings in to my bank once they build up sufficiently, and use the money to pay off some of my smaller debts - e.g. money I owe friends, or my small credit card that I used recently to pay for interview clothing and mini holiday for my birthday.
Also pleased to announce I have over £100 saved for "Birthday Month" (February), as no doubt it'll be an expensive one, what with turning 30 and all... (eeek!) This money was saved from overtime worked in job #1 and hours worked over my contract in job #2 during January : )
Oh and today was a No Spend Day. Got fed breakfast and lunch free of charge in the venue I worked in today (as normal for a Tuesday or Wednesday), but also got fed dinner free of charge too, as had to stay late for an event. Result!
Sunday, 22 January 2012
: )
Date went well, that's all I'm saying... : )
Not much money left for the rest of this week though, ooops!
Not much money left for the rest of this week though, ooops!
Saturday, 21 January 2012
I think the budget's going way out the window tonight! Bought some food yesterday, now only £12 left 'til next Friday and I bet I'll want to spend at least that tonight as I'm on a date and dates always cost money : ( Got some spare funds I can dip into if necessary, though will try and be good : )
Right, am off to the opticians, on the positive, at least they're now letting me have eye tests for free (no longer £20)...
Right, am off to the opticians, on the positive, at least they're now letting me have eye tests for free (no longer £20)...
Friday, 20 January 2012
New weekly budget starts today...
... and I have £4.44 left from this week! Going to pop that straight in my 'lil savings pot, as to coin a phrase, 'every little helps' : )
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
...and today I bumped into the other victim from my 'cupid with a sledgehammer' post - he was back to normal with me and nothing was mentioned. ~Phew~ embarrassment over!
No Spend Days
Am doing pretty well with the old 'living off cash' New Year resolution. So far this week I took out £30 (below my £37.50 budget) and still have £7-odd left for tomorrow (as well as the £7.50 I didn't take out). Success : ) Next weekly budget starts again on Friday. I'm hoping if I don't actually take out the whole weekly budget amount again in future I might even find I can live off £30 a week instead of £37.50, and put the remainder each week towards my debts.
Probably just as well as getting ready for that interview was a total splurge-fest. I really wanted to look the part and ended up buying a matching handbag and shoes on my credit card as well as the dress I'd already bought, ooops! Am yet to hear back regarding the outcome; they said most likely they'll make a decision next week.
Anyway to the title of this post: No Spend Day (or NSD) is a term used on the forums on Money Saving Basically the plan is really to have as many as possible in any given week, month etc. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the best for me to attempt this, as I get fed at the place I work at on those days. However this Tuesday I ended up down the pub in the evening, and today I ended up buying a packet of crisps at my second job this evening as I was ravenous! Going from one job to another straight away with no dinner has a tendency to do that to me...
In better news, I went on a night out on Saturday and spent a grand total of 45p all night! Soda and lime, what a bargain! Rest of the night was water and a freebie drinkie from a mate. I swear I'm going to owe so many people drinks when I'm flush again...
Probably just as well as getting ready for that interview was a total splurge-fest. I really wanted to look the part and ended up buying a matching handbag and shoes on my credit card as well as the dress I'd already bought, ooops! Am yet to hear back regarding the outcome; they said most likely they'll make a decision next week.
Anyway to the title of this post: No Spend Day (or NSD) is a term used on the forums on Money Saving Basically the plan is really to have as many as possible in any given week, month etc. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the best for me to attempt this, as I get fed at the place I work at on those days. However this Tuesday I ended up down the pub in the evening, and today I ended up buying a packet of crisps at my second job this evening as I was ravenous! Going from one job to another straight away with no dinner has a tendency to do that to me...
In better news, I went on a night out on Saturday and spent a grand total of 45p all night! Soda and lime, what a bargain! Rest of the night was water and a freebie drinkie from a mate. I swear I'm going to owe so many people drinks when I'm flush again...
Saturday, 14 January 2012
Daring to be ladylike
So yesterday lunch time I went shopping for an interview outfit. Yes, it's going on my credit card, bad me, but yes, I feel I really need a killer outfit to nail this interview. Decided it was time to 'speculate to accumulate' ya-da-ya-da...
I've never been much of a dress or skirt wearer, as I don't know, I've always just felt more comfortable in trousers. However, I've lost a few pounds recently (amazing how being single means less nights in scoffing my face with pizza) so thought I'd try a work type dress. Went into Next, found a lovely navy blue tailored dress. Just the ticket :) And at £45, cheaper than buying a full suit. Got a grey ruched shoulder jacket at home already to wear over the top, and VOILA! Très ladylike, and super smart.
Am going to be a 'lil bad though and try and get some decent shoes to go with it today - my last pair of posh interview shoes rendered me crippled after a few minutes; I'm not going through that experience again!
I've never been much of a dress or skirt wearer, as I don't know, I've always just felt more comfortable in trousers. However, I've lost a few pounds recently (amazing how being single means less nights in scoffing my face with pizza) so thought I'd try a work type dress. Went into Next, found a lovely navy blue tailored dress. Just the ticket :) And at £45, cheaper than buying a full suit. Got a grey ruched shoulder jacket at home already to wear over the top, and VOILA! Très ladylike, and super smart.
Am going to be a 'lil bad though and try and get some decent shoes to go with it today - my last pair of posh interview shoes rendered me crippled after a few minutes; I'm not going through that experience again!
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Strange addiction forums are taking over my life...
I guess I could form an addiction to worse things.
I guess I could form an addiction to worse things.
Cupid with a sledgehammer
So there I was whinging in earlier posts about how hard it is to meet someone and date when you have limited funds. With this woman on my case - no longer! Hahaha cue the random story below...
Today I was just quietly minding my own business, having some lunch (free! mmmm) at one of the venues in which I work, when all of a sudden a woman, let's call her the above title, struck. I was having a quick chat with a male member of staff, during which she comes over, talks to me about my role, then starts telling me, in front of him too, that he's single, then suddenly asks if I'm single. Well I don't want to lie, so I say 'yes', very much to her delight. Said man I was talking to disappears into his nearby office (no doubt, as embarrassed as me). She tells me she's worried about him being single and alone and would love him to go out on some dates even if they are just 'friendship dates'. Then she tells me because we both blushed we obviously like each other! I told her I was just embarrassed! She even asked if I come over to eat near his office and flirt with him often! Subtle as a brick, this one.
An hour or so later I'm in a different room busying myself with some admin when she comes in to talk to someone near me. When she spots me up comes the conversation again! I'm at a loss for words, I don't really know the guy and don't have any opinion on him. She asks me if we've swapped numbers... I say I haven't spoken to him since. She leaves with a 'don't worry, I'll sort it'...
Whoa lady, calm down!!
Today I was just quietly minding my own business, having some lunch (free! mmmm) at one of the venues in which I work, when all of a sudden a woman, let's call her the above title, struck. I was having a quick chat with a male member of staff, during which she comes over, talks to me about my role, then starts telling me, in front of him too, that he's single, then suddenly asks if I'm single. Well I don't want to lie, so I say 'yes', very much to her delight. Said man I was talking to disappears into his nearby office (no doubt, as embarrassed as me). She tells me she's worried about him being single and alone and would love him to go out on some dates even if they are just 'friendship dates'. Then she tells me because we both blushed we obviously like each other! I told her I was just embarrassed! She even asked if I come over to eat near his office and flirt with him often! Subtle as a brick, this one.
An hour or so later I'm in a different room busying myself with some admin when she comes in to talk to someone near me. When she spots me up comes the conversation again! I'm at a loss for words, I don't really know the guy and don't have any opinion on him. She asks me if we've swapped numbers... I say I haven't spoken to him since. She leaves with a 'don't worry, I'll sort it'...
Whoa lady, calm down!!
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Resolutions, they are a-starting...
New Year's Resolution number 1 finally started having received my first two £2 coins in my change. Alas though, that was almost the last of my money! Got to just hang on in there until Friday...
Resolution number 5 not going so well... done lots of research on more unusual items to sell (empty perfume bottles, shop carrier bags etc, who knew?) but not actually DONE anything yet! Procrastinating, procrastinating, procrastinating... Hoping I might get my arse in gear this weekend. That said, I have an interview for a new job to prepare for so might be otherwise occupied. Later this week I'm going to have to see if any of my old suits still fit or not. I have a sneaking suspicion they will be too big, as I'm sure I'm about a stone lighter than I was last time I had to wear a suit.
Now the question is, whether to fork out for a new suit or not...? It will mean putting it on my credit card, as I have no stored funds left after Christmas and some urgent car work, but maybe it's a necessary evil to help me secure the job?? Hmmmm
Resolution number 5 not going so well... done lots of research on more unusual items to sell (empty perfume bottles, shop carrier bags etc, who knew?) but not actually DONE anything yet! Procrastinating, procrastinating, procrastinating... Hoping I might get my arse in gear this weekend. That said, I have an interview for a new job to prepare for so might be otherwise occupied. Later this week I'm going to have to see if any of my old suits still fit or not. I have a sneaking suspicion they will be too big, as I'm sure I'm about a stone lighter than I was last time I had to wear a suit.
Now the question is, whether to fork out for a new suit or not...? It will mean putting it on my credit card, as I have no stored funds left after Christmas and some urgent car work, but maybe it's a necessary evil to help me secure the job?? Hmmmm
Sunday, 8 January 2012
New Year's Resolutions
I suppose if I write them on here they are immortalised and therefore binding?? Slightly concerning...
1) Save £2 coins.
This a challenge I have signed up to on Money Saving Expert. Basically, every time I end up with a £2 coin in my change I have to save it. I will then use the money for something useful, depending on what is best use once I have a reasonable stash. So far, I've not received even one of these elusive coins, but resolution 2 may help with that.
2) Only use cash.
I have a tendency to buy everything on my debit card, and because the bank is always a day or two behind, it makes it very difficult to keep an accurate tally of my finances. Also, paying on a card, doesn't really feel like handing over money, as you're not visually seeing your money decrease. I'm hoping this resolution may help me be a bit more careful with my spending. Plan is to take out £35 every week as that is around about my weekly budget (for food, clothes, going out, shampoo etc.). I will then try and only spend that... think it's going to be hard!
3) Only ever drink 2 alcoholic drinks on a night out.
This isn't only a financial resolution though, I just don't make a good drunk. I still, after all these years, do not know my limits. However, two, I'm sure, will be fine.
4) Be more positive - try to dwell on the good things, rather than the bad things in my life.
Ever since I've been working hard to sort out my debt, I've felt a huge weight on my shoulders. More than when I was racking up the debt in fact, as I wasn't really thinking about it! I've come to look at life rather darkly, and had a tendency to be jealous of others. Facebook doesn't help... you get to see the wedding pics, the baby pics, the awesome holiday pics... All things that are a long way off, if they even happen, for me. However, I have great friends, my own property, a supportive family, not one job but two etc., and need to learn to appreciate what I have. Afterall, many are less fortunate.
5) Clear the house of all my tat and make some money!
This one is obvious - lots of boxes of stuff I need to clear from my house, and lots of money needed to help my debt problem = must get off my arse and sell stuff! Besides, I'm sure it'll improve my feng shui to have a decluttered house ;-)
1) Save £2 coins.
This a challenge I have signed up to on Money Saving Expert. Basically, every time I end up with a £2 coin in my change I have to save it. I will then use the money for something useful, depending on what is best use once I have a reasonable stash. So far, I've not received even one of these elusive coins, but resolution 2 may help with that.
2) Only use cash.
I have a tendency to buy everything on my debit card, and because the bank is always a day or two behind, it makes it very difficult to keep an accurate tally of my finances. Also, paying on a card, doesn't really feel like handing over money, as you're not visually seeing your money decrease. I'm hoping this resolution may help me be a bit more careful with my spending. Plan is to take out £35 every week as that is around about my weekly budget (for food, clothes, going out, shampoo etc.). I will then try and only spend that... think it's going to be hard!
3) Only ever drink 2 alcoholic drinks on a night out.
This isn't only a financial resolution though, I just don't make a good drunk. I still, after all these years, do not know my limits. However, two, I'm sure, will be fine.
4) Be more positive - try to dwell on the good things, rather than the bad things in my life.
Ever since I've been working hard to sort out my debt, I've felt a huge weight on my shoulders. More than when I was racking up the debt in fact, as I wasn't really thinking about it! I've come to look at life rather darkly, and had a tendency to be jealous of others. Facebook doesn't help... you get to see the wedding pics, the baby pics, the awesome holiday pics... All things that are a long way off, if they even happen, for me. However, I have great friends, my own property, a supportive family, not one job but two etc., and need to learn to appreciate what I have. Afterall, many are less fortunate.
5) Clear the house of all my tat and make some money!
This one is obvious - lots of boxes of stuff I need to clear from my house, and lots of money needed to help my debt problem = must get off my arse and sell stuff! Besides, I'm sure it'll improve my feng shui to have a decluttered house ;-)
It's the final countdown...
So now we've hit the New Year, my 30th birthday is not long away, in fact only just over a month from today... yikes!
Yesterday I booked a mini holiday away with my favourite girls for my birthday, staying in a cottage in the country for a couple of nights. Am very excited, but obviously it's going to cost a little bit. Thankfully a cottage shared isn't too expensive. However, I'm feeling a tad guilty I've had to pay on my credit card! Now the heat is on to sell some stuff amounting to the same cost so that I can pay my credit card back down... Facebook selling pages and Gumtree here I come! Have discovered these are better channels to sell through as no nasty Ebay or Paypal charges...
I can't help dreaming about the holidays I'll afford once my debt is gone, Australia, New Zealand, America, Iceland, Madrid, Rome... it will be so nice to be able to afford to visit these places. For now, I just have to hold on to these dreams, to keep me going through the skint times I still have ahead of me for the next two years.
Debt is at least going down nicely. Am at around £12.5k now, but originally was at about £19.5k. And only £9.5k of that remaining is with creditors, so only that amount is affecting my credit score. Debt is going down quicker now I have a 0% deal on my credit card, which is something.
Dating is still going to be an issue though. I have a date in a couple of weeks with someone I met and dated 4 years ago (bit strange I know, but I have my reasons). Slightly worried as I think he still thinks I'm the same old party animal I was back then... he might be a bit shocked when he sees me decline dinner (as I can't afford it) and drink soda and lime all night (super cheap). Am rather apprehensive he won't like the new, more sensible me. Well I suppose if not, his loss right?!
Yesterday I booked a mini holiday away with my favourite girls for my birthday, staying in a cottage in the country for a couple of nights. Am very excited, but obviously it's going to cost a little bit. Thankfully a cottage shared isn't too expensive. However, I'm feeling a tad guilty I've had to pay on my credit card! Now the heat is on to sell some stuff amounting to the same cost so that I can pay my credit card back down... Facebook selling pages and Gumtree here I come! Have discovered these are better channels to sell through as no nasty Ebay or Paypal charges...
I can't help dreaming about the holidays I'll afford once my debt is gone, Australia, New Zealand, America, Iceland, Madrid, Rome... it will be so nice to be able to afford to visit these places. For now, I just have to hold on to these dreams, to keep me going through the skint times I still have ahead of me for the next two years.
Debt is at least going down nicely. Am at around £12.5k now, but originally was at about £19.5k. And only £9.5k of that remaining is with creditors, so only that amount is affecting my credit score. Debt is going down quicker now I have a 0% deal on my credit card, which is something.
Dating is still going to be an issue though. I have a date in a couple of weeks with someone I met and dated 4 years ago (bit strange I know, but I have my reasons). Slightly worried as I think he still thinks I'm the same old party animal I was back then... he might be a bit shocked when he sees me decline dinner (as I can't afford it) and drink soda and lime all night (super cheap). Am rather apprehensive he won't like the new, more sensible me. Well I suppose if not, his loss right?!
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