I suppose if I write them on here they are immortalised and therefore binding?? Slightly concerning...
1) Save £2 coins.
This a challenge I have signed up to on Money Saving Expert. Basically, every time I end up with a £2 coin in my change I have to save it. I will then use the money for something useful, depending on what is best use once I have a reasonable stash. So far, I've not received even one of these elusive coins, but resolution 2 may help with that.
2) Only use cash.
I have a tendency to buy everything on my debit card, and because the bank is always a day or two behind, it makes it very difficult to keep an accurate tally of my finances. Also, paying on a card, doesn't really feel like handing over money, as you're not visually seeing your money decrease. I'm hoping this resolution may help me be a bit more careful with my spending. Plan is to take out £35 every week as that is around about my weekly budget (for food, clothes, going out, shampoo etc.). I will then try and only spend that... think it's going to be hard!
3) Only ever drink 2 alcoholic drinks on a night out.
This isn't only a financial resolution though, I just don't make a good drunk. I still, after all these years, do not know my limits. However, two, I'm sure, will be fine.
4) Be more positive - try to dwell on the good things, rather than the bad things in my life.
Ever since I've been working hard to sort out my debt, I've felt a huge weight on my shoulders. More than when I was racking up the debt in fact, as I wasn't really thinking about it! I've come to look at life rather darkly, and had a tendency to be jealous of others. Facebook doesn't help... you get to see the wedding pics, the baby pics, the awesome holiday pics... All things that are a long way off, if they even happen, for me. However, I have great friends, my own property, a supportive family, not one job but two etc., and need to learn to appreciate what I have. Afterall, many are less fortunate.
5) Clear the house of all my tat and make some money!
This one is obvious - lots of boxes of stuff I need to clear from my house, and lots of money needed to help my debt problem = must get off my arse and sell stuff! Besides, I'm sure it'll improve my feng shui to have a decluttered house ;-)
About Me

- The Debt Girl
- I'm single, broke, and in my early 30s... but thankfully decided a while ago to sort my life out once and for all; in particular to sort out my finances, and to move forward into a debt free life. I'm hoping writing a blog will help spur me on through my social life cutbacks, my successful and not-so-successful attempts at dating, my new addiction to the Sainsbury's Basics range, and the general insanity caused by the stress of money troubles.
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