So in the month since my last post, I've bought a new car (not just new to me, completely NEW *gasp*), had a ceiling replaced in my flat, fallen more behind with my work for job 1 as my workload just DOESN'T STOP, failed at a couple more job applications, inadvertently led on a nice sweet guy, partially reconciled with my ex best friend, and spent more money than I actually have...
So I guess you could say I've been pretty busy. On leave for 2 weeks in 6 weeks' time... just hanging on in there until then.
New car felt a bit of an indulgence but I:
a) had yet more problems with my car, which in total would have meant spending £800 on my car in the last couple of months, and my car was only worth about £1200-£1500 so it seemed a waste and I was worried it was 'the beginning of the end' i.e. there would just be problem after problem with it from now on
b) looked into getting a used car but the ones I could afford the finance for were as old as the car I was replacing so I thought there was still no guarantee it'd be better than keeping my current car. Also a year's warranty would only apply to the garage where I'd bought it which is no use if I end up moving to another part of the country for a new job.
c) discovered PCP (personal contract plan) where I don't have to pay for the whole car, instead pay for about half of it over 3 years and then get another new shiny car
d) will have 3 years warranty (and no tax on this particular car) meaning I can take it to any relevant dealership anywhere in the country
e) need to drive all over the county where I live for work 1 and so need something reliable and with good fuel consumption
f) figured I work hard in a professional job and should have something to show for it and look to the world like I've 'grown up'
Ok so that last reason is stupid, but there you go. Lots of people have congratulated me though on finally having a 'good' car! It was embarrassing previously having a car that didn't have remote central locking, or even central locking at all!
In terms of the finances, I have rejiggled my outgoings so that I'm still paying out the same amount each month, and am no poorer. This is going to slow my 'getting out of debt' plan though, but oh well.
That said I will still be poorer because of my hours cut at job 2. Bit stressed about it to be fair, had 3 birthday presents to buy this month and ran out of foundation, mascara and eyeliner = SKINT. But my hours have only just been cut, so I'm skint before my money even goes down, which is not a good sign!
Decided I need to cut back. I've been spending a lot on food of late. Googled 'cheap healthy food' and found this:
Ok, so her blog is a little political, but her cheap recipes look good. She's a single mum who fell on hard times and had to feed herself and her child with only £10 a week (she's got a journalism job now). The ideas on her blog show just how resourceful she is. She's currently writing a cookbook which I'll be buying! I love the fact that to save money she does things like make risotto with ordinary rice! Got to be worth a try...
Anyway, I must get on with yet another job application tonight, so that's the end of my update. Hopefully I'll manage to post again sooner than I did this time!
About Me

- The Debt Girl
- I'm single, broke, and in my early 30s... but thankfully decided a while ago to sort my life out once and for all; in particular to sort out my finances, and to move forward into a debt free life. I'm hoping writing a blog will help spur me on through my social life cutbacks, my successful and not-so-successful attempts at dating, my new addiction to the Sainsbury's Basics range, and the general insanity caused by the stress of money troubles.
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